An Honest Cuckoo. [to Ram Edrros. Or The "srsor.irroll...
following instance of unusual conduct on the part of this bird may, I think, interest your readers. I copy it from the Bristol Times and Mirror of yesterday :— " Westerman's......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " 8PECTATOR:1 SIR,—Apropos of your article on dreams, may I remind you of a dream which I sent you many years ago, and which is very similar to the one of......
The Eight Apologists For Mr. Gladstone. [to The Editor Of
THE "SPHGVATOP-1 Sin,—In an article published in the Spectator of August 6th, dealing with "The Eight Apologists for Mr. Gladstone," you say that Home-rule in Ireland "must......
The Etiquette Of Salutation. [to The Editor Of The "
SPECTILTOPL.1 Sin,—I hope we have not all forgotten, in this matter, the example of "Joseph Pelee, of Bread Street Hill, merchant, and one of the directors of the South Sea......
The Epitaph On Lord Sherbrooke. [to The Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The correspondence in the newspapers concerning the bi-lingual epitaph on the late Lord Sherbrooke may have unearthed the real author of the English lines ;......