13 AUGUST 1892, Page 27

Cressy to Tel-el-Kebir. By Charles Rathbone Low. (W. Mitchell and

Co.)—We have received so much pleasure from the spirited stories, real and fictitious, that have come from Mr. C. R. Low's pen, that we regret not being able to praise the volume before us. "A military poem put before the world as a fairly com- plete record of the achievements of the British Army," is a very surprising attempt. Here is an extract from " Ramillies :"— "His new campaign, in seventeen-five,

Was brief, but 'mong his men, alive He kept the warlike flame, By forcing Villerois between The Meuse and Antwerp, where had been Constructed strong field-works.

In this he showed superior skill With his small force, which surely will All strategists concede."

This will overpass, we take it, the digestion of the most fervent patriot.