think Mr. Massingham—claims to be the most intelligent of all
birds. H.M.S. came back from a northerly trip to its base in Ross-shire, bringing with it a young wild goose, which was presented to two holiday-makers (great lovers of animals) who were staying on the Scottish coast. The bird, which is about three months old, had been fed and petted on board and christened " Polly Flinders." Her new owners put her in an enclosed paddock, but on the second night about ten o'clock Polly mysteriously escaped, took to the water, and swam out a good quarter of a mile to the anchored ship. She swam round and round the ship for half an hour when she was caught up by the sailors in a net and for the first time recog- nized as Polly herself. Next day she was sent ashore, and remains at her new home content with the companionship of a young Chinese goose, specially secured for her pleasure.