A Hiker's Claim.
A great countryman of my acquaintance, now approaching three score years of age makes this curious claim. He has just concluded a three weeks' cycling tour in Wales, with the......
Think Mr. Massingham—claims To Be The Most Intelligent Of...
birds. H.M.S. came back from a northerly trip to its base in Ross-shire, bringing with it a young wild goose, which was presented to two holiday-makers (great lovers of animals)......
The Farmers In Conference Emphasized The Astonishing In-...
electric light and heat on the poultry industry, whether worked on a big or small scale. There is still room for a very wide promotion of this expanding industry ; and it would......
The Strange Part Of The Tale Is That The Goose
was only on the ship for about twenty-four hours ; and yet was so urged by her memory to rediscover her happy home afloat that she escaped with trouble, swam the long distance......
A Query From " An Old Games-player " Which I
am quit e unable to answer. It refers to English games of the moment " Can you solve me this conundrum Y We possess in Engla n d one of the best slow bowlers in the history of......
Country Life
ELECTRICITY ON THE Feast. A farmers' conference on electricity in rural places was recently held, and its recommendations are of some national importance. The chief paper,......
These Delicate Flowered Varieties Came In On The Heel Of
the large flowered mallows that do not deny their close relationship with the two common wild varieties, one as beautiful as the garden sorts, the other too near the magenta......
The Revived Cycle.
No one, I think, could doubt if he had experience of country roads on Bank Holiday that the cycle - is in greater favour than ever ; and among cycles none more than the tandem,......
* * * Old-fashioned Flowers.
A good many old-fashioned flowers are coming back into favour, most of them considerably reformed and polished by modern science. At the head of the list stand the mallows, most......
[sir William Beach Thomas Is Now Away On Holiday. His
weekly contributions to this page will recommence in our issue of August 27th. —ED. Spectator.......