[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The Rev. F. R.
Barry's article on this " Movement " in your issue of July 30th is hardly likely to help in remedying the defects he specifies, by offering •it Anglo-Catholicism as a steadying influence ; by suggesting that St. Paul was mistaken in his views ; and that, contrary to the teaching of the Lord Himself, the Kingdom of God has a place for those not born again.
If only he had pointed out that we find " guidance " when we prayerfully study the Word of God and get to know His point of view and the way He looks at things, and that we enjoy true spiritual fellowship when we accept what the death of Christ, as a sacrifice for sin, has provided for us, a death which dissociates believers from the world and gathers together into one those who believe on Him, his article might have met a need.—I am, Sir, &c., W. R. L.