The German Terror As the first duty of a Government
is to maintain order, Herr von Papen's non-party Ministry in Germany has proved inefficient. It proclaimed a political truce to follow the General Election and threatened the most drastic action against disturbers of the peace. More- over, it had displaced the Socialist Ministry in Prussia on the ground that a firmer administration was required. Yet now, day after day, numerous dastardly political outrages are reported from all parts of Germany, especially from Silesia and East Prussia. The " Nazis " or National Socialists under Herr Hitler are not the only offenders, but they appear to be mainly responsible for the actual or attempted assassinations, the bombing outrages and the incendiary fires of which Socialists, Communists and Roman Catholics of the Centre party are the victims. It is far from clear that the police have been allowed or encouraged to deal strongly with the terrorists. The new emergency decrees promulgated on Tuesday night, establishing special courts and sterner punishments for terrorist crimes, should be effective, if they are enforced. Though some of the " Nazi " bombing parties have been arrested, the murderers of several Socialist leaders, who were shot on Sunday, are still at large. Herr Hitler has doubtless lost control of the wilder elements whom his oratory has- inflamed.