London's Bread The Food Council has approved a unanimous Report
of the Committee which it appointed to inquire into the price of bread in London. The Committee finds that the quality of the'" straight run " flour has not deteriorated as had been suggested, but they find a reduction of Is. sack in the price to be possible. They find that the average mixture of flour used for bread in London to-day has improved in quality. The costs to the bakers, however, other than in flour, have increased to an extent that justifies an advance of Id. per loaf. There has been " a definite increase in the cost of distribution, including paper wrapping." There has been a fall in the consumption of bread. We are not told what the last fact signifies. The increased demand for wrapping bread in paper is an advance in hygiene which obviously costs something. Delivery at the door is a luxury now taken for granted by most consumers who are apt to forget the cost to the retailers. We are afraid that the best quality of bread still means the whitest bread, though people who know best say that all the best quality has been ground out of this white bread. The work of the Food Council continues to win approval and so long as it convinces all parties that it is fair it should continue to do so. It makes its influence felt by publicity rather than by bureaucratic power.