13 DECEMBER 1856, Page 10



'The English Funds have exhibited less firmness this week. Consols opened heavily on Monday, at a decline of 1 per cent ; some speculative sales continued to depress the market, and they were at one time offered as low as 931 ex div. The diminished firmness was in some measure attri- buted to a certain uneasiness with regard to the Conferences about to be re- opened at Paris. The fact of the Bank of Holland having raised its mini- mum rate of discount from 5 to 53 per cent, coupled with the announce- ment of a large shipment of sovereigns by the Brazil mail, contributed to the general depression. Late on Tuesday afternoon, improved prices from the Continent gave a firmer tone to the market, and Consols advanced to 933, buyers; since which the fluctuation has not exceeded 3 per cent. Bank Stock has been negotiated during the week at 217 and 219. Exche- quer Bills 5s. and 9e. Consols close dull at 933, sellers. About 170,0001. Australian gold has been taken to the Bank this week. Foreign Securities continue dull, with quotations chiefly unaltered. The Turkish Six per Cent Stock has fallen 1 per cent since Monday. Spanish Stocks quiet, and little business doing. The depression in English Securities created a heaviness in the Railway Share Market, and Stocks opened generally less firm than they had been for some time, at a reaction of 1 to 1 per cent ; prices, however, have since recovered, although the business of the week has been comparatively unimportant; in Caledonian an improvement of 3 per cent has taken place compared with the last price on Saturday. The fortnightly settle- ment, which is fixed for Tuesday next, has also tended to check speculative business. The Shares chiefly dealt in have been—Great Northern, 91 1; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 97 1 ; London and North-Western, 1053 6; London and South-Western, 1073 8 ; Midland, 82 ; Eastern Counties, 911; Caledonian, 62 3. The markets close this afternoon a shade heavier.

The Foreign Railway Market has been active all the week, principally in French lines ; and shares have fluctuated to the extent of 30s. per share. At the commencement of the week prices opened at a considerable decline all round, but have since regained the closing prices of last Saturday. North- ern of Fiance, 3714 81; Namur and Liege, 8 3; Lyons and Geneva, 104.2; Paris and Lyons, 541 1; Sambre and Meuse, 9/ 1; Great Central of France, 41 5' Indian Shares have been steady at following prices—East III- .). 4 . chan Five per Cents, 221 3; Ditto Extension C, 211; Great Indian Penin- sula, 21/ 2; Bombay and Baroda, 1 1 premium.

Great Western of Canada, dull at 243 1. Grand Trunks, after suffering. a reaction of 108. per share, are now dealt in at 111 2; the New Preferential 1001. Six per Cent Debentures, which the Company proposes issuing, are nominally at par. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The intelligence published this morning of war having been declared with Persia on the 1st November caused Consols to open 3 lower-931, sellers ; the market is quiet. The Foreign and Railway Markets are heavy, and prices are a shade flatter - a few transactions have taken place at the follow- ing-London and North-Western, 1053; Ditto Eighths, 13; North Stafford- shire, 121 ; South-Eastern and Dover, 731.


In the Bank returns of last night an increase is shown of 74,801/. in the stock of bullion. The Market for Consols has been heavy all the morning, and the quotation is nearly 3 lower than at the opening ; being now 931, bu ere only : business has been limited. Foreign Stocks without change. Railways have been quiet today dealers are chiefly engaged in arranging their accounts for the approaching settling; prices have ruled at a lower figure. The following is a list of the latest operations—Bristol and Exeter, 941 Eastern Counties, ; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 353; Great Northern A Stock, 76 ; Ditto B Stock, 1221; Great Western, 683 ; Lanca- shire and Yorkshire, 963; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1103; London and North-Western 1051; London and South-Western, 1071; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 341; Midland, 813 ; Midland Great Western, (Ireland,) 54 ; North British, 401 ; North Eastern— Berwick, 83} ; Ditto York, 604; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 29; South-Eastern, 731; Great Northern 5 per Cent, Redeemable at 10 per Cent Prem., 110; Great Central of France, 221; Northern of France, 371 ; Paris and Lyons, 543. Joint Stock Banks—Australasia, 100 ; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 201. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 25; Canada, 117; General Screw Steam Shipping Company, 6; Royal Mail Steam, 68.

3 pei Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock shut


931 1 93 51 2 13-16 1 217 19 Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents Portug,uese 3 per Cents 1853 65 95 7 211 2 764 74 544 54 45 46 Exchequer Bills 5 8 Russian 5 per Cents 106 8 India Stock shut Ditto 44 per Cents 95 7 Austrian 5 per Cents 86 8 Spanish 3 per Cents

Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 1 Ditto Deferred 414 2 23/ 4 Belgian 44 per Cents 95 7 Sardinian 5 per Cents 88 90 Chilian 6 per Cents 103 5 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 87 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Turkish 6 per Cents 944 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 84 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed. 102

At a meeting of the proprietors of the Bank of Australasia, on Monday, the next dividend and bonus were declared at the usual rate of 20 per cent per The Directors of the London Chartered Bank of Australia intend to pro- pose a dividend to June last at the rate of 5 per cent per annum.

The call of 20 per cent on the capital of 350,0001. of the Atlantic Telegraph Company was promptly met on the 5th ; the manufacture of the cable was commenced, by Kuper and Co., of Greenwich, on the same day ; and on Tuesday this week Directors were elected—Messrs. George Peabody, Samuel Gurney, T. A. Hankey, C. M. Lampson, T. H. Brooking, G. B. Carr, and J. W. Brett, of London ; J. Pender and James Dugdale, of Manchester ; Wil- liam Brown, G. Maxwell, R. Crosbie, E. Johnston, H. Harrison, and C. W. H. Pickering, of Liverpool ; and Sir J. Anderson, W. Logie, and Professor W. Thompson, of Glasgow. There are also to be nine Directors at New York, and three in Canada. The Coloniql Gold-Mining Company have re z olved to dissolve. It v ae time ; for some 112,0001. has been absorbed, there are no prospects of profit- able operations, and the present assets are trifling.

CUYETAM PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday December 12th, including season-ticket-holders, 8296.