13 DECEMBER 1856, page 2

Although It Ended In No Practical Conclusion, The...

the Society of Arts on Wednesday evening may assist to expedite the decisions of practical men. It was a debate upon the compara- tive merits of the three different courses for......

The Court Circular Of Politics Is All In Confusion—its...

meagre, its portents doubtful. Mr. Disraeli, now in Paris, has been visiting M. Guizot and M. Kisseleff—the advocate of the Bourbon Fusion and the Russian Plenipotentiary ; and......

A Letter Which Lord Emi° Sent To The Times At

the end of last week, calling upon Ministers to appoint the Commission demanded by the House of Commons to determine the future site of the National Gallery, has been answered......

(g4t Court.

THE Court newsman records nothing of the doings of the Royal Family at Osborne beyond their ordinary walks and drives. The weather was so stormy on Saturday that the Queen did......

C4t Aittrovolio.

The question of who shall be Recorder for London, what duties he shall perform, what salary he shall receive, agitates the Court of Alder- men and the Common Council. The......

The New 'bishop Of London Has Justified The Expectation...

of him, but in an unexpected manner. He has taken the first occasion after his elevation to show that he intends to prosecute his supervision practically. Invited to preside at......