The new 'Bishop of London has justified the expectation formed
of him, but in an unexpected manner. He has taken the first occasion after his elevation to show that he intends to prosecute his supervision practically. Invited to preside at a local meet- ing for church-extension, he broke new ground on that subject. The late Bishop of London has had the satisfaction of seeing two hundred new churches opened in the Metropolis ; but to con- struct churches, says Dr. Tait, is not enough. The object is not to post the fortresses of the Church about the land as the sign of its supremacy, but to bring the people within its pale. The build- ing is of little account if there be not the minister to preach ef- fectively ; and although the new churches must, in the main, depend upon the support of the upper and middle classes, the great object should be to redeem the poor and younger branches of society—those very classes for whom the "accommodation" in the new building has been " a joke" Yet the people desire to be spoken to on these subjects ; and Bishop Tait mentioned cases in which a cattle-shed had been used as a place of wor- ship, a garden covered-in, and an omnibus-yard. Mr. Spurgeon is another proof of the avidity with which crowds will go to hear effective preaching. But in the churches, children are sent to galleries, where they cannot hear ; and the poor are pilloried in " free sittings," to use which is humiliation. The Bishop gave an earnest of his sincerity in the munificent donation of 600/. to the subscription for the Islington Church-extension ; but the advice is of even more weight than gold. We need scarcely note how near it comes to our own remarks on the same subject.
* Spectator, November 29.