13 DECEMBER 1856, Page 4


It is stated that Government have determined to send a commission forthwith to Aberdeen to make inquiries with a view to a union of the two Aberdeen Universities in the next session of Parliament.

The Town-Council of Glasgow are now trying experiments to deodo- rize sewage and deposit its solid contents in tanks. Milk of lime is used as a precipitant; and success seems to have been attained.

There was a great fire at Glasgow early on the morning of the 5th. A large block of buildings, occupied principally by merchants engaged in the trade in cotton goods, near Exchange Square, was gutted, and the loss is estimated at 100,0001. The fire was attended with loss of life : some fire- men had entered an upper floor ; it gave way, and three of the men fell to the basement ; one was killed, and the others were dangerously hurt.