411HE trial of Marshal Bazaine concluded on Wednesday, Decem-
ber 10. After four hours' consultation with the other six judges, the Due d'Aumale returned to the Court, and amidst a hushed silence delivered, "in the name of the French people," the judgment of the Council of War. The judges unanimously found the prisoner guilty of "having capitulated in the open field," and of "having negotiated with the enemy before he had done everything required by duty and honour,!' and condemned him to death, military degradation, and the ex- penses of the trial. In other words, Marshal Bazaine, losing his rank, his decorations, his medals, and a large portion of his property, is sentenced t be shot. Immediately after his sentence the seven judges unanimously signed a recommenda- tion to mercy, because the prisoner had never been beaten in battle ; and the President of the Republic, after some hesitation as to submitting the sentence to the Assembly—a course which would have been fatal to discipline—commuted it 'himself to military degradation—without formal ceremonial— and twenty years' "seclusion." The effect of the sentence there- "fore is that Marshal Bazaine becomes M. Bazaine, condemned for life to a mild form of imprisonment, and pays a fine estimated at 148,000.