BISHOP PATTESON.* ONE thousand one hundred and seventy-one pages, exclusive of preface, on Bishop Patteson I He was an exemplary, admirable, useful man, and Miss Yonge is a deft......
Mr. Gladstone On Bishop Butler.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sut,—You refer in your last week's number to Mr. Gladstone's "very clever and very courteous letter to the Contemporary, in re- lation to Mr.......
Decanal Latin.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEers.roal S/12,—In Tuesday's Times Mr. W. Forsyth and another gentle- man protest against the use of " coram" otherwise than with a person. The Dean of......
The Hon. Mr. Legge And The London School Board.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE “SPECTATOR:1 Sus,—Obscurity certainly has the disadvantage of rendering those who are sunk in it liable to strange misrepresentation. I was, I confess,......
Mr. Morley On The Teachers Of Primary Schools.
' [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTATOR.1 Sut,—It is very unfair of Mr. Morley to say that the teachers of our primary schools are utterly bad because they have not -done what they......