It is said from Rome that the Pope has determined
to appoint two batches of Cardinals, one of which will be very soon given to the world,—indeed, the names are mentioned, but are probably not yet settled. The important statement, however, is made on what seems to be good authority, that the Pope intends to dis- pense with the usual procedure,—the consulting of foreign Governments as to the names of the Cardinals to be made in the dominion of each. Nor is it at all unlikely that it will be so. Austria has torn up the Concordat with Rome ; Germany is in open conflict with her ; Spain is in the hands of sceptical Republicans ; and France, under her present Government, is not likely to com- plain of any action taken by the Pope, so that the Pope will feel no obligation to consult any one. Is not this, at least so far as it goes, an equivalent to him for the loss of his temporal power, and a hint of the kind of ecclesiastical freedom which he may gain by his disestablishment ?