We are happy to observe that Sir George Campbell has
with- drawn his resignation of the Lieutenant-Governorship of Bengal. It was arranged before the famine had become probable, but was withdrawn in part on its appearance, and is now—perhaps in consequence of the flash of indignation produced at home by the announcement—withdrawn. altogether. Unless he becomes
absolutely too-ill to work, he should stop, for it is becoming mani- fest that the Government of India still underrates' the danger., To collect 950,000 maunds of rice,-40,000 tons—is child'e-play, and so is most of the talk abont public works.. The famine, fit comes in its strength— and there is no rain even yet —will strike classes utterly incapable of digging, men who-would not do it if they could thereby live for ever, and who must be fed in their- own homes, or at all events in relief camps, without giving a return in manual labour.