The Lahej affair appears to have ended most satisfactorily. The
'Turks for a time endeavoured to ignore the orders of the Sultan, but General Schneider, the Resident at Aden, at last informed the Governor-General of Yemen that the Turkish troops must be withdrawn from the protected lowlands of Yemen, and they were accordingly removed. General Schneider then demanded the surrender of Abdoola, the Sultan's brother and protege' of the Turks, and he gave himself up, to be carried a State prisoner to 'Aden. The country is completely pacified, and Aden pro- bably safe for thirty years, just because the Resident's decision to defend Lahej was made visible to the Turks. But for the little English corps d'armee, the Turkish soldiers, who are never paid, would,have made little of orders from Constantinople, and lave erased Lahej without a remorse.