The Newest Oat The school of agriculture at Cambridge has
made itself famous over the world by its invention or creation of new varieties of seed. Especially Sir Rowland Biffen's Yeoman wheat has had a wide vogue as the " strongest " grain that can be grown in this island. There are some signs that the oat " Resistance " is beginning to earn at leaSt as high a fame. A good many farmers are inclined to think that it fills a gap' that was almost empty. It can be sown at early winter dates, when to sow most other varieties would be a gamble, and it yields well. A field of it in my neighbou- rhood, sown on land not particularly suitable for this cereal, yielded about fifty-five bushels of grain of very good sample to the acre. The general experience of those who have threshed last season's crops should please the Cambridge hybridisers, who have no .little genius for the production both of new plants and new animals.