Fixed Trust ,dividends. The Trustees (midland Rank...
Company Limited) for British Industries'FiXed Trusts, Second Portfolio, announce an income distribution of 6.5302d. per sub-unit, free of Income Tax, for the half-year ended......
_banking In •coti,and.
• There is not much change to note in the figures of the . balance-sheet of the National Bank of Scotland when•compared with a year ago. The accounts are made up to the......
• United 'dominions Trust.
I am glad to note that the enterprise 'and 'industry which has characterised the management of the United Dominions Trust from - its inception is • bearing fruit in the shape of......
Fair Play for British Shipping IF was impossible for those who attended the meeting last Wednesday of shareholders of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company not to......
Bthtisii. Tyre And Rubber.
The chairman of the British Tyre and Rubber Company, at last Monday's meeting of the shareholders, had a satisfactory report to present, the net profit for the year having......
' In View Of „the Report Of The Tobacco Securities
Trust, disclosing losses in shellac sustained by a subsidiary company of the Trust, considerable , interest was, taken hi the 'recent annual meeting of the Trust. The Chairman,......
Financial Notes
MARKETS HESITATING XN view of the critical, outlook in. European politics and the important 'decisions which presuMably have to be Made during the present week, it is scarcely......
Armstrong Siddeley Progress.
The accounts of the Armstrong Siddeley, Development Company for the year ending September 30th last are, of a thoroughly satisfactory character; the combined net profit of the......