FIXED TRUST ,DIVIDENDS. The Trustees (Midland Rank Executor and Trustee
Company Limited) for British Industries'FiXed Trusts, Second Portfolio, announce an income distribution of 6.5302d. per sub-unit, free of Income Tax, for the half-year ended November 30th. Of the twenty-flit companieS' whose shares cm-Uprise the Portfolio, four companies increased-their 'distributions during the half-year, sixteen interim and final dividends were main- tained at PreviouS rates, while one interim dividend was reduced.- Another company 'declared an interim dividend of 10 per cent., being the first interim payment. in, the history of the Company. Another company distributed a capital bonus of 20 per 'cent,. and 'shares have been, added to the Portfolio,, while another Corporation made an issue of shares op, bonus terms and the " rights " 'ere sold. The total distrib,utiOn for the first full ,year's operation of the Trust WlIS 04406d., 'free' of tax. Early investors in the 'trust, therefore,' who purchased at the opening price Of 'Os. 9d.' per sub-unit obtainCd a yield equivalentto nearly 61 per cent. gross. *