13 DECEMBER 1935, Page 42

Financial Notes


XN view of the critical, outlook in. European politics and the important 'decisions which presuMably have to be Made during the present week, it is scarcely surprising that there should have been sonic slackening of activity in the Stock Markets. Even, in the gill -edged section British Funds anii,kindred stocks have' een affected by some realisations; fOr'tite, feeling has been rather general that while cheap money continues, and seems likely to continue, prices are fully high. There have been recently, some new .capital flotations of the trustee type, and, in spite of the 'fact 'that they have been oversubscribed, there have not been wanting indications that the support came in part from premium hunters, and some of these new Loans are already quoted at small discounts. Industrial shares have maintained considerable activity.

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