A United Front in Egypt The Situation in Egypt has
developed rapidly in the past week. Riots in Cairo and other towns have con- tinued, but the participants were mainly students, and their significance is trifling compared with the step taken by all the political parties in forming a united front to press for the adoption of the 1923 Constitution and propose the conclusion of an agreement between Egypt and Great Britain on the basis of the draft treaty dis-. cussed, but not adopted, in 1980, when Mr. Arthur Henderson was Foreign Minister. The situation may take a fortunate or unfortunate turn, according to its handling at both ends. Great Britain's objections to the 1923 Constitution were voiced by Sir Samuel Hoare at . the Lord Mayor's Banquet, in a speech which precipitated all the recent trouble in Egypt. But there is obviously. room for compromise between acceptance, of the treaty in every article and letter, and the pronunciation of a complete veto on it. As for the 1930. treaty, it was not acceptable then, and without amendment will not be , acceptable now, but it could perfectly well be taken as a. Basis for future discussion. The new National . Govern- ment, if .one is formed in Egypt, may decide to be con- structive or Merely defiant. If the former, hopes may be justly entertained of a lasting improvement in the rela- tionsbetween Egypt and this country. We should at once declare our readiness to abandon the 'capitulations when the other States concerned agree.
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