Italian propaganda has become a highly-organised industry.. Secretaries of golf
clubs (their, addresses being, no doubt, readily accessible) are being assiduously supplied with illustrated brochures depicting various horrors alleged to be prevalent in Abyssinia. The recipi- ent of one such favour, having written to The. Times to express his disgust at the literature the post had brought him, has. since been finding in his post-box a steady flow of communications, mostly anonymous, from Rome or some other Italian centre, urging him to listen to the Italian wireless,, to read the pro-Italian Paris papers, or to study ii7o-pitgp booklet (encloSed) by a Roman professor, or Baron Aloisi's,Geneva speech (enclosed) or a four-page leaflet (enclosed) dedicated by "Cyril Rocke, Lt.-Col. R.P. " (who launches his apologia for Signor Mussolini from the Guards' Club, but whose address, according to Who's Who, is 44 Via Sardegna, Rome); to " The Lords Cecil, Craigmyle and Snowden, the Rt. lion. G. Barnes, Sir Norman Angell, &c., and the leader-writers of The Times, the Daily Telegraph, &c." (There is a wealth of possibility in the two etceteras.) If the diligent Italians Who emit this stuff had any conception of the effect it has on the average Englishman who reads the reports froni, let us say, Dessie, of Italy's methods of executing her civilising mission from the skies,'they would save their trouble and their stamps.