13 FEBRUARY 1841, Page 21






(Closing Tuesday. Prices.) Widnes.

Thurs. Friday.

per Ceut. Consols 881 881 831 871 881


Ditto for Account 89


881 881 884 881 3 Per Cents. Reduced 89+ 691 881 881 891 891 di per Cents. Reduced New 31 per Cents. 98 971 981 974 971 97 974 961 9j4 961 1


Long Annuities 13 13 13 13 13 13 Bank Stock, 7 per cent. 1631 161 163 1631 1634 1634 India Stock 101 246 246 2461 2461 -

Exchequer Bills 21d. p. diem 7 Pm.


5 1 5 7 India Bonds, 3 per cent.. - -- 10 clis. 16 17 17 FOREIGN FUNDS.

tion during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Ct. 78 Ditto (Deferred) 5 p. Ct. - Ditto 6 - - - Ditto (Deferred) 6

- 99 Michigan 6

- 72 Mississippi (Sterling) 5 - 24 Neapolitan. 5 - - New York (1853) 5 - Ohio 6 - 224 Pennsylvania S 781 Peruvian 6 491 Portuguese 3 981 Ditto 5 - Ditto (New) 5 111f.25c. Russian 5 75 Spanish 5 75 Ditto (Passive) 85 Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5 p. Ct. 87 82 Teuueasee 6 100 United States Bank 27} Virginia 5 - SHAR E S.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week, ending Friday Evening.) Mines- Banks- Bolanost Brasilia a Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cata Branca Calidoliga Cobra Copper


Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brightou London and Blackwall London and Greenwich London and Birmingham London and South-Western London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South Eastern and Dover METALS.

Copper, British Cakes.. per ton 971. Os . to 01.02 Iron, British, Bars 11 '5 0- C 0

Lead, British Plg 20 0 0- 20 15 Steel, English ai 0 0- SO 0 GRAIN, MARK LANE, February 12th.

We have had scarcely any arrivals of Grain during the present week, owing to the frost ; a most favourable change iu the weather having now occurred, the River will soon be sufficiently clear for navigation. Very few town or country dealers being pre- sent to-slay, the transactions in every article of Grain were exceedingly limited, and no change has occurred iu prices. Fine Foreign Wheat, however. was held al former rates. Dealers generally seem disposed to defer purchases till Monday.

Wheat,Red New 50 to 57

Fine .... 58 .. 63

White 54 .. 56

Fine 58 .. Co ,S,113r6.r.fi.o.e.N..e s, C.622 .... 4,74

AVERAGE PR CES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the presect Week. Wheat 61s. 54. Rye. ..... 82s.6d. Wheat 25s 64. Rye Rye gle.3d.

Barley 33 8 I Beans ........ 39 9 /Barley 13 to Beans „. It 0

Oats .. 21 6 Pe. 39 10 / Oats 15 3 Peas 11 0 PROVISIONS.

BUTTER-Best Fresh, 175.0d. per dos. Carlow, 51.0s. to 51.84. per cwt. BACON, Smell New, per cwt. 474. to 50r.

CHEESE. Cheshire 70s. to ECM.

Derby, Plain 64s. to 70s.

HAMS, York iss. to 86s. EGGS, French.- per 120 8s. 6d. to lb. Od.

HAY and STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)


98s... 108s Hay, Good inferior.

New. 114 .. 84 120 100 12o 115 120

Clover 39 . 45 .... 3d .. 40 30,.48 36 40

Straw, Wheat HOPS.POTATOES. Kent Pockets I20s. to 180s. I Scotch Reds per ton 80•. to 04.

Choice Data ranse 230 1 Ware............ ................. 0

Sussex Pockets 100 - 140 Middling 0 - 0 Superfine Ditto 160 200 Chats 0 - 0 BUTCHERS' MEAT.


Beef . 54. id. to 4.. Od. to 4.. 41. 3.. 4d. to 4, 0.I. to 4.. 8d Mutton 3 6 .. 4 0 .. 4 4 . 3 10 .. 4 6 .. 4 10 Veal 4 4 .. 5 0 .. 5 11 .... .. 4 4 - 5 8 ... 5 10 Pork 3 4 .. 4 4 .. 5 0 4 0 .. 4 6 .. 4 _10

Lamb 0 0 .. 0 o .. 0 0 ... ... 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0' • To sink the offal-perillbs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.

Beams. Sheep. Calves. Pigs.

Friday 459 2;160 144 374 Monday.... .... ......... .... 2,862 ........ 16,960 35 341


Rape Oil per tun 441. On. Refined 45 10

Linseed Oil 26 9 Linseed Oil, Cake per 1000 13 14 CANDLES, per domn, 7e. Od. to Bs. Od. Moulds (td. per de.. discount) Ds. 6d.

COALS, Hetton . ....per ton 44s. ad.

Tees 2C.. 6d. (Last Official Quota Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Arkansas (1863) 6 - Atistrian 5 Belgian 5 Brazilian 5 Buenos Ayres 6 Cuba 6 Milian 6 Columbian of 1824 6 Danish 3 uteh (Ex 12 Guilders) 21 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 French 3 Data 5 Indiana (Sterling). 5 Illiuois 6 Keutucky 6 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 Maryland 6 Massachtisset I s (sterling)5 Mexican 5 Australasian British North American Colonial Hibernian Loudon and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London


East and West India London St. Katherine


Australian Agricultural British American Laud Canada

General Steam .....

South Australian Van Diemen's Land 89 421 18/ 81 175 571 74


1 9 851 91 ex d. 84 161 19s 64 311 1134 231 6 121 90 82 94


35 24 121 151

43 sal- ex d.

974 681 951 each 39 251 81 BULLION.

Gold, Foreign in Bars per o.. 21.

174, 94.

Old Spanish or Pillar Dollars

6 0 0

Mexican Dollars 0

4 101

Surer in Bars, Standard 0

5 e

Oats.Feed 21 to IN

Fine .. IS

Poland 25 . 26

Fine 26 . Y.

Potato 24 .. 26 Fine 26 .. 28 Rye 30 to 40 Barley 26..20

Malting SI ..33 Mall, Ordinary 56 _ 5R Fine as .. 01

Peas, Hog 37 .. 89 Maple .. 40 to 42

White. as 36 Boilers.. se .. 98

Beans, Ticks 37 .. 40

Old .... 40 42 Harlow.. 35 ..


Town-made per sack 50,. to 55s.

Second- 45 - 50

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 42 - 46 Norfolk and Stockton 42 -- 46 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os.

POLLARD, flee Os. to Os. BREAD. 7d. to 9d. the 416. Loaf.


TEA. Bebe., fine, p. lb lx. 3d. to I,. 5.1. Congos], line 1 104 - 2 0 Souchong, fine I 7 - 0

• In Bond-Duty 5s. 1.1. per lb. COFFEE. Fine (in bd) p cwt. 106.. t28%

Good Ordinary 76s. 845. SUGAR. Aluscovado ..per cwt Ms. 24d. West India Molasse...294.0d to 38s. 6.1