Another "magician," Mr. Jacons, Who Is A Ventriloquist...
visatore to boot, is performing wonderful tricks of voice and hand at the New Strand Theatre, to admiring audiences. Any attempt to de- scribe the feats of legerdemain which Mr.......
The New Spectacle Which Supersedes The Pantomime At The...
entitled Satanas, or the Spirit of Beauty, surpasses all the former splen- dours of this wonder- working stage, in picturesque beauty. It is said to be a dramatic version of the......
The Purcell Club.
THE half-yearly meeting of the Purcell Club was held on Thursday, at the Sussex Hotel ; Professor TAYLOR in the chair. Among the mem- bers present, were Messrs. TURLE, HOBBS,......
The Theatres.
THE White Milliner appeared at Covent Garden on Tuesday, and made a favourable impression on the public ; for though her adventures are neither new nor surprising, they are so......