Smear EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arneurooir.
The arrivals of specie from various parts continue very largo ; aud al- though there is constantly a great demand for gold for the Continent, the extensive remittances known to be still on the way from Australia contri- bute to keep the rate of interest for money at a very low figure. The
Bank of England yesterday reduced theirs from 31 to 3 per cent. The public demand for accommodation, however, does not increase to any extent, and the rate out of doors averages 21 24 per cent. Business in the Stock Exchange has been almost at a stand-still ; and the range in the value of English Securities has not on any day exceeded 4 per cent. Tie closing price today will show an improvement only of 4 per cent upon last week. The large majority in favour of Lord Palmerston 's Conspiracy Bill tended to impart renewed firmness to the market,. which had previously been somewhat depressed, the price of Consols having gradually receded to 961. There is now a much healthier tone all round ; but little disposition to speculate, and quotations in many instances merely nominal. Consols opened on Monday at 964 961-1 advance upon the latest price of Saturday. The fluctuation of the week has been only 4 per cent. Today business has been more than ever dull, but with no material change in quotations. Consols close at 96 964 for Money, and at 961 961 for 4th March. Bank Stock continues firm at 225 227. Exchequer Bills, 30s. 358 premium. Re- duced, 964 964. New Three per Cents, 964 961. The Foreign Market has been exceedingly buoyant during the week? all
Stocks having improved, and some considerably ; Buenos Ayres have risen upwards of 6 per cent, a demand having set in for the Stock ex the De- ferred. Mexican is good at the price, and Peruvian 1 per cent better ; the operations for the approaching sinking-fund tending to bring in pur- chasers. Turkish Stock is also 1 per cent higher than last week. The set- tling has passed off most satisfactorily. Money is in great abundance, and loans are easily obtainable at 3 per cent. Spanish Three per Cents are also higher-14 44. Venezuela, 32 33. Mexican, 201 204. Railway Shares were dull and heavy in the early part of the week : under
the pressure of sales, prices in nearly all cases declined, the exception being in Midland, the advance in that stock during the week reaching 3 per cent. London and North-Western, Great Western, and Caledonian, have been espe- cially weaker ; but on the whole, business has been extremely inactive. The market closes a shade firmer this afternoon. Caledonian, 464 47 ; Dover, 224 221; Great Northern, 264 264 ; London and Brighton, 107 108 ; North Staffordshire 34 34 die.; Great Western, 604 604; Midland, 98 981; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 934 941; London and North-Western, 1001 101; London and South-Western, 984 994. Transactions have mostly been in connexion with the fortnightly settlement today. Contangos have ruled very light. There is at present little indication of an immediate increase of busi- ness. Bahia and San Francisco Shares are 4 better-4 4 prem.
A slight recovery has taken place in French Shares from the dulness pro- duced by politics. Paris and Lyons, 34 35 ; Northern of France, 384 39; Paris and Strasbourg, 28 281. The Indian Share Market shows consider- able firmness ; it being announced that the East India Company will gua- rantee 5 per cent no more. East Indian, 109 110; Great Indian Peninsular, 211 214 ; Madras 201. Shares, 21 21t.
The Funds are firm this morning at 4 per cent advance : Consols 964 964. Foreign Stocks are likewise a share higher. There is no particular alter- ation in Railway Shares. There is an increase of 780,9511. shown in this week's Bank return of the stock of bullion.
SATURDAY, C:II °Timm The Markets have been rather active all round ; Consols are now buyers at 964, and there is an average advance of 4 per cent in Railway Shares, the following ar4 the last transactions-Caledonian, 94 ; Eastern Counties, 64 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 671; Great Northern, 1061 ; Great Western, 61 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 95; London, Brighton, and South Coast, lei ; London and North-Western, 101; London and South-Western, 984; Midland, 99 ; North British, 53 ; North-Eastern-Berwick, 971 • ' Ditto York, 821; South-Eastern, 75. Joint Stock Banks-London Joint Stock, 301 ; London and Westminster, 45. Miscellaneous-Crystal Palace, It ; Eastern Steam, 6 ; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 80.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Lour Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock -
Austrian 5 per Cents
Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chinon 6 per Cents Danishb per Cents Danish 3 per Cents 96 96 96 96 4 2 1-16 24 225 227 30 3.5 218 222 90 93 102 104 97 99 103 105 101 103 83 85 Dutch 24 per Cents. . ... Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cent Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853 Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents Turkish 6 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed
65 66 100 1 204 21 80 82 55 57 45 46 Ill 113 99 101 4.34 44 264 26t 89 91 80 83
10 1?014
The meeting of the Great Western Railway Company, yesterday, went of very smoothly ; the affairs of the Company exhibiting some improvement. Retrenchments are effected by consolidating services and reducing the num- ber of trains-but not by cutting down salaries. Mr. Saunders, the Seore- tary, has volunteered to give up 20 per cent of his salary for the present, and the Directors have taken no remuneration : the meeting, wanting no unpaid servants, voted them 25001. Three or four gentlemen, nominated by share- holders, are to be admitted into the direction.
The London and South-Western Company also met yesterday. Nothing very remarkable occurred ' • but it was announced that improvements are to be made in the won'ing of the suburban traffic with a view to increase it.
The dividend of the London and North-Western Railway is to be V. 10s., with a balance of 43,3221. carried forward : this makes 5 per cent for the
The Great Northern Railway dividend on the ordinary stock is to be at the rate of Si. 10s. 6d. per cent per annum.
The dividend of the Eastern Counties Railway is to bell. 12s. 6d. per cent, with 70001. carried forward : this is rather more than for the same period of 1856.
The Ripon, for Bombay, took out 192,7421., all silver except 50001. is gold. A demand for gold for exportation to the Continent has commenced.
A prospectus has been issued of the Medoc Railway, a line to run from Bordeaux to Verdon, sixty miles : capital 600,0001. The board of Directors is exclusively French.
The Riga Railway Company have notified that their concession was for- mally completed by the signature of the Emperor on the 4th.
CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday February 12th, including season-ticket-holders, 5365.