13 FEBRUARY 1858, page 19

Publications Received.

Tin publishers have at last awakened from their torpor, and at the opening of the Parliamentary and London season sent forth a batch of books that we have not seen paralleled in......


On the 15th September, from concussion of the brain, caused by a fall from • balcony, in the Residency of Lncknow, Lieutenant James Fullerton, 16th Regi- ment N.I., third son of......


FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 9. Gazarrk OFTICE, Feb. 9.—The appointment of Cornet G. Wohlmann to be Quay termaster in the 12th Foot was erroneously inserted in the Gazette......


On the 2d February, at the British Embassy, Florence, the Rev. P. M. Sankey, Curate of Highclere, Hants, eldest son of the Rev. Richard Sankey, Rector of Wit- ney, Oxon, to......


On the 5th February, at Orton Longueville, the Marchioness of Huntly, of a daugh- ter. On the 5th, in Eaton Square, the Wife of the lion. W. H. Wyndham Quin, of a daughter. On......