Matters are not looking well with Alfonso XII. We make
it a principle to believe no news from Spain not forwarded by British correspondents, but it is difficult to doubt that the Army, under General Laserna, failed in the attack on Lacer on their way to Estella, or that they lost three guns, or that the slaughter was very severe indeed. The Carlists believe it amounted to 7,000 men. Don Carlos himself has issued a proclamation thanking his troops for their great victory ; the Government at Madrid acknowledges a " check "; and the King has issued a decree levying 70,000 men, and fixing £320 as the price of ex-
emption. All this looks ill for the restoration of order in Spain, as does the return of the young King to Madrid. It is known that he wished to stop with the Army, and the inference is either that he embarrassed his Genera/13 by giving the Carlists a perpetual point of attack, or that the Government think it necessary for him to be present in the capital, where defeat may any clay produce disorder. If the recruits are required, as seems probable, to re- inforce the Army in the field, it must be weeks before General Moriones, who succeeds -Laserna, is in a position to resume the offensive.