German Universities : A Narrative Of Personal Experience....
Morgan Hart. (New York : Putnam and Sons. London : Sampson Low and Co.)—If Mr. Hart had limited himself to the subject which is prominent on his title-page, it would have been......
Social Life At The English Universities In The Eighteenth...
Compiled by Christopher Wordsworth. (Deighton and Co., Bell and Sons.)—This book has grown Out of the nucleus of an essay written for the Le Bas prize, and has reached a bulk......
Current Literature.
Christian Prayer and General Latrs. By George J. Romanes. (Mac- millan.)—This essay obtained the Burney Prize at Cambridge in the year 1873, and adds another to the list of......
The Golden Shaft. By G. Christopher Davies. (richard...
Son.)—A novel which dwells upon the details of unlawful love-making, which publishes the wiles of a very immodest flirt, and pictures the abandonment of an otherwise pure-minded......
A Book Of Table-tallc. With Notes And Memoirs By W.
Clark Russell. (Routledge.)—The " Memoirs " with which Mr. Russell Was- trates his book are very bald and brief, and for all the help which they afford a reader, might as well......