Allahorn (A. H.), Protuberant Abdomen, its Cause, and Treatment (Houiston) 2/0 Bedford E. H.), Digest of the preliminary Exam. Questions, &c. (Stevens & Sons) 18/0 Burgh (N. P.), Pocket Rules for the Proportions of Modern Engines ...(Bpon) 4/6
City of London Directory, 1875, roy 8v0 (Collingridge) 10/6
Clarke (E. H.), The Building of a Brain, 12mo 13ailliere) 6/0
Clery (C.), Minor Tactics, 8vo (Henry S. King Fr Co.) 16/0
Collins (Wilkie), The Law and the Lady, 3 vole Cr 8v0 (Chatto & Windus) 81/6
Cortes (I. D.), Essays on Catholicism. Liberalism, and Socialism, or 8vo (Kelly) 6/0 Cozzens (S. W.), The Marvellous Country, Arizona and New Mexico (Low & Co.) 8/6 Debrett's House of Commons and Judicial Bench, 1875, or 8 co ...(Dean(c&ollSiono n) 27;60
Evers (H.), Navigation in Theory and Practice, 12mo Export Merchant Shippers of London, 1875, 8m (Dean & Son) 10/6
Fleming (F.), Manual of Veterinary Sanitary Science & Police (Chapman & Hall) 36/0
Forest Crossing, 18:no.—Lisa Baillie's Journal. 18mo (R. T. S.)—each 1/0 Franc ad. J.), Hall's Vineyard, 12mo (Low 8z Co.) 4/0
Goulburn, CommentatT on Administration of the Lord's Supper (Rivingtou's) 3/6 Gould (J. T.). Marjorie 's Quest, leap 8vo (Ward & Lock) 1/0
Grimm (Brothers), Home Stories, illustrated 12m0 (Rou(tedge) 216
Grimehaw (T. W.). Manual of Public Health for Ireland, or 8v0 (Fannin) 7/6
Habershon (M. 11.),Wave of Scepticism and Rock of Trath(Hodder & Stoughton) 8;6 Hammick, Acts relating to Regist. of Births. Deaths, Marriages (Shaw & Sons) 6/0 Hanson (J.), Annihilationism Defined and Disproved (Wheatley & Co.) I/O Hartshorne (H.), Essentials of Prin. and Practice of Medicine (Smith & Elder) 12/6 Holm (S.), Draxy Miller's Dowry and the Elder's Wife, 12mo (Low & Co.) 1/0 Homer, construed by Dr. Oiles,—lliad, 1-6, 3/6 ; Odyssey, Bk. 17, 18mo (Cornish) 1/6
How (W. W.), Plain Words, 4th Series, large type, 12mo (Gardner) 8/6 Hume (D.), Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary, ed. by Green ...(Longmans) 28/0 Hutchings (W. 11.), Mystery of the Temptation,—Lectures., cr 8vo (Rivingtons) 4/6
Hymn Book for Mission Services, 82mo
Hyslop (W.), Cheerful Words,_—Sermons, vol 2, Cr 8vo (Ba(B- T
illii a) 1 re) 5/11
Krutnmacher (F. W.), The Suffering Saviour ; Meditations. &c. (T. & T. Clark) 7/6 Knenen, Religion of Israel to Fall of Jewish State, vol 2 (Williams & Norgate) 10/6
Laxton's Builder's Pries Book, 1875, 12mo (Kelly & Co.) 4/0 Macdonald (George), Malcolm, 8 vols. or 8v0 (Henry S. King & Co.) 31/6 Mabony (111. F.), Jerpoint, an Ungarnished Story of the Time (Chapman & Hall) 31/6
Mansford (C.), School Euclid, 12mo (Wesle)'an Training Co.) 1/0 Manuals of Religious Instruction,—Old Testament, part 5; New Testament, part 5; Common Prayer, part 5 (Rivingtons)—each 1/0
Martin (F.), Statesman's Year-Book, 1875, or 8vo (Macmillan) 10/6 Monson (E.), Advantage of Separate System of Drainage, 8vo
McClellan (J. B.), The New Test., a new trans.,,. 1, Four Gospels (Macmillan) 301,70 Merrett (H. S.), Practical Treatise on Land and Engineering Surveying(Spon) 12/6 Mountain Warfare ; Campaign of 1799 in Switzerland (Henry S. King & Co.) 16/0 Murray (IL B.), Anglo-French and Anglo-Belgian Treaties, Svc (Simpkin & Co.) 10/6 Newman (J.). Iron Cylinder Bridge Piers, 8vo (Spon) 1/6 Newman (J. H.). Parochial and Plain Sermons, vole 3 & 6 (Rivingtons)—each 5/0
Parley (Peter), Tales about Animals, roy 16mo (Tegg) 6/0 Paton (3.), Leila, and other Poems, 12mo (Gardner) 4/0
Pope (W. B.), The Person of Christ, Dogmatic, &c (Wesleyan Conf. O(ice) 7/0
Proby (W. H.), Ten Canticles of Old Test. Canon, newly tramdated (Rivingtons) 5/0
Reid (Capt. Mayne), Boy Staves; Cliff Climbers (Ward & Lock)—each 2/0 Reynardson , Down the Road, Reminiscences of a Gent. Coachman (Longmans) 21/0 Rose (H. J.), Untrodden Spain and her Black Country, 8v0, 2 vole. (S. Tinsley) 80/0 Row (C. A.), The Supernatural in the New Testament, &c., cr 8vo ...(Norgate) 12/0 Rufre Turf Guide, Winter Edition. 1874-75, or 8v0 (Office) 8/6 Russell (W. C.), Representative Acton,' 12mo (Warne & Co.) 1/6
Sainte-Beuve (C. A.), English Portraits, or 8vo (Daldy, labister, & Co.) 10/6
Seeley (L. B.), Euclid, Books i-vi., xi , xii., 18mo (Seeley) 1/0 Shakespeare's Centurie of Prayse, by C. M. Ingleby, large paper ...(TrUbner) 42/0 Smith (Dr. Wm.), Historical Atlas of Ancient Geography, part 5, folio (Murray) 21/0
Society of Engineers—Transactions 1878, 8vo Steinmeyer (F. L.), The Miracles of Our Lord, &c., 13,0 T. & T. Clark) 7/6
Thoughts for those that Mourn, 18mo (Hodges) 1/0 Treasury of Devotion, edited by Carter, 18mo (Rivingtons) 2/0
White's Grammar-School Texts,—St. Luke's Gospel, with Vocab (Longmans) 2/6 Wolseley (Sir (1.), The Soldier's Pocket Book for Field Service (Macmillan) 4/6