The Hemulean, from Liverpool to Calcutta, was dismasted in the Iloogley, about the lOth Oct. A steam-boat had been sent to tier assistance.
Arrived—At Liverpool, Jan, 7th, Fairy Queen. Hookey. from Mauritius ; 8th, Here. ford, Reaburn, from Bengal ; and 10th, Elvira. Simpson, from do. At St. Helena, Nov. 20th. Hero. Smallwood, from Singapore ; and Lady East, Emery. from Bombay. At the Mauritius, Richard Mount, ; and Elise Jane, Walker, from London ; and Malabar. Dunlop, from the Clyde. At Bengal, Oct. 6th, Mandarin, Donald, from Liverpool, Sailed—From Gravesend, Jan. 8th, Java, Todd, for Bombay ; 10th, General Palmer. Down, for Bombay ; Velocity. Hall, fur the Cape ; 11th, Larkins, Ingram, for Bengal ; and Duke of Northumberland, Wouil, for Madras. Fiore Liverpool, 8:11, Mary Ann, Webb, Lloyd, fur Bengal.