13 JANUARY 1838, page 6

Scotlan D.

Upwards of I500 persons assembled in the Cowete Chapel, Edin- burgh, on Monday evening,—Mr. Gillon, M. P., in the chair,—and passed a series of resolutions respecting the......

Mr. Hawley, An Assistant Poor-law Commissioner, Has...

prohibiting even the smallest donation to paupers in the Cheshire Westharn Union Workhouse, from their friends or relations. There appears to be no su ffi cient reason for thus......


Mr. O'Connell, highly to his credit, has been exerting himself with even more than ordinary vigour to put down a reckless and injurious system of combination among the......


The undermamed officers, appointed to u particular service inCanada, sailed from Liverpool for that colony on the 8th—Lieutenant- Colonel Cox, Majors Williams and M'Phail, and......

The Trial Of Theglasgow Cotton.spinners, For Conspiracy,...

having been abandoned,) was proceeding in Edinburgh at the date of the last accounts, and was not expected to close till Wednesday or Thursday. The Court prohibited the......

Mr. Hume Has Addressed A Letter To The Slut, Citing

the recorded opinions of Sir James Mackintosh, Mr. Labouchere, Mr. Huskisson, and Lord Stanley, in justification of the Canadian revolt. It is said that Doctor Wolfred Nelson,......