Is the Court of Queen's Bench, yesterday, Sir William Follett
showed cause against a rule, obtained last term, to prohibit the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council from giving judgment 'in a cause brought before them by way of appeal from 'a Judgment of Sir Herbert Jenner in the Arches Court. Sir Herbert Jenner had con- firmed the validity of a Church-rate, imposed by the parish authorities of Kennington. Mr. Farley, the defendant, appealed to the Privy Council ; and then obtained a rule to prevent the Privy Council from proceeding to try his own appeal. The Court unanimously discharged the rule ; observing that the Privy Council was the proper court of appeal from the Ecclesiastical Courts.
At Bow Street, on Thursday, Mr. Henry Napier, a gentleman of good family, was committed for trial on a charge of bigamy.