The weather, which till lately was so unusally mild, has
within the present week changed its character, and gone to an opposite extreme of unusual cold. During the greater part of Wednesday and Thurs- day, snow fell more or less. The navigation of the Thames is im- peded by masses of floating ice. The streets are in a dangerous con- dition for passengers, and some serious accidents have been occasioned by falls, On Thursday a thick fog came over the metropolis ; and in the neighbourhood of the Bard; and the Mansionhouse, where, in conse- quence of the fire at the Exchange, the crowd was unusually great, it was dangerous in the extreme to ride or walk. Vehicles of every description were driven against each other ; bat we have not heard of any serious accident from this cause. Petty thefts were frequent.
The sheets of water at Kensington and in the Parks were yester- day covered with skaitere. Four persons broke through the ice, hat Were reectied by men belonging to the Humane Society,