The quotation of Coastal@ is to-days per cent. higher than last week ; and the price has been steady, the fluctuations not having exceeded J per cent. The near approach of the settling-day tends to give firmness to the market ; as many of the jobbers have sold stork, in anticipation that the insurrection in Canada, by alai miug the holders, would induce them to sell, and that 4 quantity of stuck would thus have been thrown upon the market. But these expectations have not been realized ; the public baying taken advantage of the trifling fall which did occur, to purchase. Speculative jobbers have thus patted with a quantity of steak at • low rate, which they find it difficult to
replace. The recent payment of the Dividends has made money very abundant, and the premium upon Exchequer Bills and India Bonds has increased. The commercial embaeranments of the past year have operated very un- favourably upon the revenue of the country; and the usual purchases on behalf of the Sinking fund will, as may be seen by the following notice, be suspended during the current quarter.
" National Debt Office, 6th January 1838. "The Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury, having certified to the Corn. missionera for the Bediletiou of the National Debt, in pursuance of the Act 10 Geo. IV., trap. V. sec. 1. that the actual expenditure of the Uuited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland exceeded the actital revenue thereof. fur the year ended 10th October 1837, by the sum of 504,645/. 10s. 81r1 ;
" The Corumissioueis lor the Reduction of the National Debt hereby give notice, that no sum will be applied by them on account of' the Sinking-fund under the pro. • isions of the said Act, between the 5th January 1838, and the 5111 April 1838.
" S. 1-110RAM. Comptroller-General."
From the statement of the revenue for the last quarter, there can be little doubt that a similar deficiency will be experienced in the year ending in April next ; and that we cannot anticipate that the Sinking fund will be again in operation before July —if then. Bank Stock has been steady between 204 and 205 ; and all the recent agita- tion on the subject of the reduction of the dividend has eubsided. In the Foreign Market, the Northern Continental Stocks have fluctuated to about the same extent as Consols, and have all improved in nearly the same degree. The market for Brazilian Bonds has been in a very agitated state ; the price having touched '70 and 74. We are still without any late intelligence from Rio Janeiro ; and these fluctuations must be attributed to the stare of the market, which is so feverish that any extensive operation, either of sale or purchase, affects it considerably. Both Spanish and Portuguese Bonds have been neglected ; and the fluctua- tion.; in them have been quite unimportant.
The South American Securities are higher, without any transaction of im- portance having occurred. The Railway Shares are still in continued demand ; and may be quoted at higher prices, though the business done has not been extensive. SATURDAY. TWELVE. O'CLOCK.
At the commencement of business, the Coneol Market was very firm—a pur- chase of 30,000 stock for Money having been effected at 9111; the price has, however, since declined, and is now 901 91 for Money, and 92/1 a fur Account. A transaction in New South Sea Annuities at 84. Reduced Three per Cents. have been done for Money at 91i. Exchequer Bills are 55 prem. India Bonds 52 54; and thie,e to be paid off in June 13 16 prem. In the Foreign Market, the business has been almost entirely confined to Brazilian Bond., which are higher, and may be quoted at '72 to 721. Intelligence to 4th November has been received from Rio Janeiro, per ship Lightning, at which time all was quiet ; the recent events at Bahia were, however, unknown: the price of the Local Six per Cent., Stock was 89, and the Exchange 285. The Railway shares are all at yesterday's prices.
3 per Cern. Commis . ex. div.. 9094 g
91 Brazilian 5 per Cents 79 721 Ditto for Amount Danish 72 Dutch 24 per Cents 531 1 Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cts 294 30 Ditto 3 per Cent. 191 1 Ruesiou (1822)5 per Cent 110 111 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent., 191 204
Deferred Stock 7i t
Passive Ditto 41 4
8 per Cent, Reduced
New 34 per Cent. Anna 914 911 Bank Stock 204 205 InillaStock 266 267 Ditto Bonds . 52 56 Exchequer Bills 55 Belgfuu 5 per Cents 1011