13 JANUARY 1855, Page 2

the 331etrufatio.

The charters of the City of London require that the Lord Mayor shall hold a quarterly session in the Borough of Southwark. At-those sessions,. it is usual to summon forty-eight grand jurors and twenty-three petty jurors. Sometimes, however, there are no cases for trial. That occurred at the session on Monday last ; when Mr. Alderman Wilson, who ap- peared for the Lord Mayor, raised the question, whether there is any necessity for summoning jurors on such occasions; and he suggested that it' should be referred to the Recorder and Law-officers of the Corporation to consider whether the unnecessary trouble cannot be dispensed with.

At the meeting of the Royal Geographical Society ma Monday, letters relating to Mr. Livingetone and Dr. Barth, the African explorers,. were read. Mr. Livingstone had set out once more-into the interior. Hopes are entertained that the report of Dr. Barth's death will prove unfounded.

At the Middlesex Sessions, on Tuesday, Frederick Golden, a youth of eighteen, pleaded guilty to picking a pocket. He is a known and convicted thief; and told the committing Magistrate-that he had no means of getting a living—his father was in the Navy, but, he had never seen him since ha was a year and a half old. Addressing- the Chairman of the Sessions, he said—" I wish you would send me into the Navy, or abroad somewhere. If you were to let me out. I should be hunted down, because I am a thief. I would live honestly if I* could; but I cannot ; and I must live somehow, and so I have to thieve. I wish you would be so kind as to send me out of the country." Mr. Witham said, in the-former war they sent all the rogues- and vagabonds they could into the Navy ; hut they did not do so now. As- to, this prisoner's request, he had no power to send him abroad or into the Navy. Prisoner—"I hope you will, sir." Mr. Witham—" All I can do. -will be to sentence you to fifteen years' transportation ; but if I do so I am not at all sure that they will send you out:" Prieoner—"L hope you will be-so kind as to do that, sir." Mr. Witham—" Well, then, The sentence. upon you is that you be transported beyond the seas for-fifteen years : but you must not make sure that you will be sent out.!' • Prisoner (walking, away from the bar delighted)—" Thank you, sir ; thank you, sir!"

On Wednesday, John Collins was tried for assaulting Policeman Anderson in the execution of his duty. The evidence was so contradictory that some-. body must have committed perjury. Anderson declared that Collins vio- lently assaulted him because herequested him to "moveon" after there had been a disturbance in Brick Lane ; ho-gave Collins no provocation.— But the witnesses for the defence swor, that Anderson kisaedDollines wife as, she was buying vegetables ; thst An,-aion's hat fell off, and Collins kicked it for the impertinence to hia wife ; and that the constable then attacked' Collins. The Jury peetibunced a verdict of. "Not Guilty "': they-said they gare Collins the benefit of the doubt caused by such- contradictory evidence, litatiiid not iaapute perjury to the. prosecutor;

Another foreigner, this time a native of Italy, has nearly perpetrated a double murder in Marylebone. Some time since, a "Mr. Lambert," whose

al name waalathani, took- the house No. 5 Foley.Place. He-was accom- panied by a "Mrs. Lambert," not his wife, a Mrs. Jane Williamson, a mil- liner !built; apart from her husband, and Luigi Buranelli, an Italian valet. "Mr. Latham" was the son of an eminent stockbroker, and he formerly oc- cupied the post of storekeeper- at- Greenwich Hospital. He married a lady- of !property ; on his father s death property was left him ; and when he re-. tired from his office some years ago, it was-on a pension of 2501. per annum,. Subsequently he separated from. his wife, each taking a share of the pro- perty; he assumed the name of "Lambert." and formed a connexion with the woman now called "Mrs. Lambert." Urged by his friends to quit her, he-gave out that before doing so he should set her up in a business. For this purpose, it is-said, the house in Foley Place was taken ; until/to. Jane, Williamson was associated with Mrs. Lambert in partnership as, wardrobe- dealers. Buranelli the Italian was invited to lodge there too ; hence- the tragedy. Buranelli made love to Mrs. Williamson : he declares that she returned his passion—that she was with child by him, but that Mrs. Lam- bert-proposed by drugs to prevent the birth of the child. On the other hand; Mrs. Lambert states that -Mrs. Williamson complained of- the importunities, of the Italian, and that in consequence he was ordered to quit.the house. "Mr. Lambert," says Buranelli, 'threatened to strike me, on Thursday last week. I then became desperate from that time." On Saturday night he bought pistols, powder, and ball ; sat up nearly all night writing wild love- letters to Mrs. Williamson ; and on Sunday morning he went to the home in Foley Place. A charwoman who attended opened the door ; Buranelli- gave her a greatcoat and packet to take down-stairs. Then he entered the bedroom of the Lamberts, and shot Mr. Lambert through the head- as he lay, and fired at Mrs. Lambert, as she sprang towards him. Rushing-up the stairs, he vainly tried, to obtain an interview. with Mrs. Williamson ; and finding a policeman, who bad been called by the half-murdered woman and the servant, was coming up the stairs, he dashed into a. garret, loaded a. pistol a second time, and shot himself. The door was broken open and be was found yet alive. Mr. Lambert was dead ; Mrs. Lambert, though badly wounded, is expected to recover; Buranelli will probably live to be tried for - murder.

The inquest began on Tuesday ; when Mr. Henry Turner- Latham, the

- brother of the murdered man, was examined. But the inquiry 'did not prer-

morning. They have been translated and published. In one of them, styled a "memorandum," Buranelli gives an account of his unhappy love. He begins by saying Ant the Lamberts are the cause of his desperation. Mr. Lambert led Lim to believe that he and Madame Williamson had be- ing his nose and lacerating-one othis eyes.

which he gave to the charwoman when he entered the house on Sunday ball entered her lneast—whether its rosition has yet been discovered we cannot say. Buranelli stint himself in the faceentEhead ; the bullet tear- is hoped that by next Wednesday Mrs. Larobertmill be able to give evidence. thekspinal macros., Mrs-Lambert was shot through the right arm, and the ceed beyond the identification of Buranelli at the Middlesex Hospital ; as it waaahot in hisideen ; the. lialLentering the liaclacif the neck and severing

Some papers written by theamassin, in Italian, were found in the parcel

Mr. Latham is described as a remarkably talll and handsome man. He come attached, to each other. "In conclusion, a flame was lighted in our hearts, which hurried-us onward to the pointof impropriety, though Madame- , Williamson was both an experienced and capricious woman. In that mo- 'went of- love our- reason deserted us, and she swore to be true to me many times more than if I was her husband, and I for - m part the same." This "love was mutual,, and coat the honour of-Madame Williamson"; who, alarmed at the consequences, confessed' to the Lamberts. Buranelli says. he then. discovered that "M.. Kolasdy and AL Zambelh had become, through-the Lamberts, equally attached to Madame Williamson" ; that she, by their intermeddling, said she "wanted to love him-no more" and that Madame Lambert had promised to give her "as sweetheart . a Sardinian young_ man," who was to lodge in the-home. He declareathat.Lambert let apart- ments "to.Mnx first prostitute of Regent Street" ; and that he stole a- bracelet. and ring, Towards, the close- of the paper his madness breaks forth. "It was- not enough for them to have had the satisfaction of expel- ling-me from,their house, but they have said to everybody that Lam a rogue and a thief, and an assassin.; and all the worst calumnies, that, could be uttered. they have applied to me.. Ah!. I who. am. the • offended! who was forced on to a love for which I am-now suffering, and-to be -insulted for it! Abandoned by-my sweetheart, I lostmy reason and became-amadmen I . . . Iresolved to speak to the-Lamberts; and after that to die in peace. Oh, my brains !• Llost myself! GodIergive my excess! I. am lost! I am a dying desperate man ! God forgive the great many faults of which I have been guilty ! The Lamberts have made me an assassin. I resommend to you my daughter, became the little one-is:innocent ! I am a Roman and-an honest Italian, as you will perceive by my certificates.. Since I am in England, they call me a thief and an assassin. By doing so they cause_me to act as,


Buranelli. is- said to have been, formerly as valet -to. a_ Mr.-T. Steesartet Perth ; who thus-wrote of him. to his brether, Mr. George: Drtunmencl . 7 Stewart— "Recommend° it mie fideliesimo cameriere,. Lidgi Buranelli, tftvritar: " Mande quest° it mei° irateR_ ,o George, " Capt. Meunier, Rai.

Mr. G. Stewart allowed him.apension of 20/. a year.

At the Mansionhouse, on Saturday, Mr. Aldrid4e, a merchant; called the- attention of Alderman- Wilson to some- very. suspicious. proceedings-by a Mr. W. Wardroper. This person,. by letters and advertisements in-the journal!, had announced that he bad chartered a vessel to take out goods to the Cn- mea, and that he would' undertake the sale of articles-on commission • goods were to be-forwarded to St. Katherine's Docks ;, he himself intended to go outin• the ship. Wardroper's " offices" in Fenchureh Street- looked most unlike a place of business; on inquiry,, nothing could be learnt of the ship chartered, or-of the security for goods intrusted- tattier agent. Subsequently,. it was found that- Wardroper advertised for a clerk, who was to " command 300/. or 4001.," and also. for " a capitalist" to lend 2500/. to 3000l. on security, of goods to be shipped to- the Crimea.. The advertiser is an invalid, unfit for a voyage to-the-Black See. Alderman Wilson sent for Mt. Wardroper, and he came. In answer to questions, he admitted that he had notyet: chartered a ship, but-he was going to- do so.; he was.not aoquaintedwith shipping-goods.; he had been-in the medical profession; he was really going to the-Crimea, . and he should take a "secretary" with him, as his hands. are paralyzed After hearing. Wardroper's statements, Alderman Wilson saidlie-should leave the case in the hands of-the Commissioner of Polk..

Mr. Wardrop,er- had, promised to attend-at the. Mansionhouse- on Wednes- day,at noon: hodid not come. Later in-, the day- Mr. Parry appeared for him, and saideneerer had been, made as to. the time. at:which- he wasto appear before the Aldermen. The matter was therefore postponed. Before kir. Parry arrived; some more information was made public adverse to the bona fides of the scheme. But Wilson, in consequence of state- ments made to Mr. Aldridge by Mrs. Wardroper, expressed an, opinion Wardroper, from his ineapacity,.waa the dupe of some. designing person; a view which Alderman. Carden:only partially shared: Frederick Knowles has been-sent to prison- by the Warship Street, Magis-. trate, in default of bail to keep the peace, for threatening with leaded pis- tols a young woman, who repelled his courtship on finding that he was a mar- ried man.

Joseph Mertirr, a carpenter, has been remanded' by the Worship Street Magistrate-otritcharge of "cutting and wounding." Martin.'a wife-had been obliged to separate from him-on-account of ill-treatment ; she supported her- self by her own labour. The other night she went to a public-house for some beer; her husband happened. to be there, .and.he saw her. She hastily left the house to avoid him ; but, he. followed her, and with a knife atabbed her in the ann.—narrowly missing the head of- his own- infant, which-his wife was carrying, George Hall is in custody on a charge of fraudulently-obtaining 201. from Meagre. Pete and Betts. He pretended to bring-"navvies" from Gloucester- shire for service in _the Crimea, and he obtained money fee-their-travelling- expenses: turned out that he had. picked. up- the- metrin the- streets of London.

The Marykbone -Magistrate has committed Charles-Simpson, a young man respectably connected, for stealing:a ten-pound. note, the property of. Messrs. Scott and- Co., the bankers, to-whom he was clerk. He had expended the money in-buying.a.watch.

John Styles, a letter-carrier at. Horton has been committed hy the-Bow- Street Magistrate • for very. shameful misliehaviour—the wholesale- non-de- livery of letters. He was too lazy. to do his. duty people at Heaton fre-- queutly complained of the non-arrival of letters • it is believedrhet,Styles burnt some to save the trouble of. delivery ; and when he was- arrested no fewer than-108 post-letters-wernfound in his lodgings, where-they-bad lain

for-some days. •

Spier, formerly clerk to Messrs. Spooner and:Co., the; bankers, has -been- committed on a second charge—forging a cheek for 581. 8a. 6d. The offence- was committed while Spier was still in Messrs. Spooner's service. The bankers were advised from the country to pay Mr. Stretton 58/. Bs. 6cf. ; a check purporting, to be signed- by Mr. Stretton was presented, and paid; some of the notes the produce of the forgery were traced to The Drapers Company have sent a donation of tart-guineas- to each-of. the Police-offices for the- poor. box: this is the fourth City Oonipeny which:bias recently given seasonable aid to the p.00r4oxes.