13 JANUARY 1855, page 15
The Trrai1filrek Op Tice Armt.
Bin—If we may trust report, a conspicuous 'difference evinces itself in the characters of the French and English armies in the Crimea. Courage they both equally possess; the......
- -military .flrazette.
WAR-OFFICE, Jan. 9.-7th slioyal Sir .G. from the..77.11 Foot, Jobe Col. vice-Gen. the Right Hon. Sir E. Blakeney, removed. to- the .let -Foot. 361h .Foot-- Lieut.-Gen. W. H.......
, Orr the - 14th Getober,mt - Cape Towns the Wife of the:Tien...Rawson Wm. Rawson, Colonial Secretary, of a son. rEhrtircld - Jemmy; irtSpring Gardens, the Wife of . the Hon.......