At first we received the statement involved in the subjoined
telegra- phic despatch with distrust: but it has been current in Vienna for the last three days, and today it is repeated with an air of great confidence.
" Vienna, Saturday, ,Tan. 13, 9 a.m.—The Vienna Post has the follow- ing. The war on the Danube has recommenced. The Russians have en- tered the Dobrudscha. They crossed the Danube at Tultscha, and are marching on Matschin."
The Globe of this evening puts forth .a string of semi-official contradic- tions— " We learn from Paris, on good authority, that the report of a treaty be- tween Austria and France in which the latter guarantees the Italian terri- tories of Austria, has no feundation in fact. "The report by the Vienna Frensden Blatt of the adhesion of Prussia to the treaty of the 21 of December is not authentic. No such intelligence has been received in London.
"The reports of a formal engagement given by Prince Gortschakoff to Prussia, that Russia would not attack Austria, are, we believe unfounded. Assurances' to that effect may have been 'freely' given, hilt a formal treaty is in the highest degree improbable."