13 JANUARY 1877, Page 24


The Victoria Magazine suffers from the faults of all magazines with a purpose. It seems "like an ill-roasted egg, all on one side." It has a curious paper by "Maria Mitchell, Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Observatory at Vassar College " (all printed in capitals), with the following almost unintelligible .note to it :—" As an American paper justly observed, it is a a plain, straightforward essay, dealing with the matter in a logical, sensible way ; and yet, looking in her strong good face, shadowed by gray curls, which softened its outlines, and graced it with a beauty which come of age, one could not but feel,'" &c. If this be " justly," it cannot be grammatically observed. The paper is on "The Need of Women in Science." May we ask if Professor Mary Mitchell ever heard of one Mary Somerville ?