We Always Find It Difficult To Criticise Good Words And
the Sunday Magazine, and the January numbers present the ordinary obstacles. The contents of both are perfectly unexceptionable, " always good alike," in fact, and the......
The Gentleman's Magazine For January Reaches Us From...
lishers (Chatto and Winans), and the new number is an improvement upon its predecessors, but it hardly now rivals many of its competitors, still less does it fill the place of......
The Port Folio Begins The Year With Its Usual Spirit.
Professor Colvin commences a series of articles upon " Albert Diirer," illustrated by a new process. There is a portrait (etching) by M. Legros of Mr. Poynter, which is perhaps......
We Presume That Lippincott's Magazine Is Going To Be...
in London as well as in " Philid'a " (which seems to be the correct abridg- ment of "Philadelphia)," but we have looked in vain for the announce- ment of it on the " prospectus......
The Editor Of The Congregationalist (mr. R. W. Dale)...
to its pages a striking address upon "Theological Thought among Congre- gationalists,' to which we may take another opportunity of referring. The papers, speaking generally, are......
Current Literature.
The Victoria Magazine suffers from the faults of all magazines with a purpose. It seems "like an ill-roasted egg, all on one side." It has a curious paper by "Maria Mitchell,......
Grimm's Law : A Study.* No Facts In The Comparative
study of languages are of more im- portance or of greater interest than those which were first observed on any large scale by the Dane Rasmus Bask, and which are grouped......
The Sunday Review Is The Organ Of The New "sunday
Society," and has, therefore, the same radical defect as the Victoria. We all know what Professor Amos, Mr. P. A. Taylor, Mr. Holyoake, and "the Hono- rary Secretary " have to......
The London Magazine, If A New One (we Do Not
remember it before), comes unheralded and undefined. The little story, "The Artist of Piccadilly Pavement," is quaint, and reads like truth. An article from the Daily Telegraph......