13 JANUARY 1917, Page 1

Dr. Michaelis, Chairman of the German Imperial Grain Office, in

an article in the Ifolnische Volkszeitung, has warned his country-

men that they must not expect peace to bring plenty :-

"There exists a widely prevalent hope that when peace comes the system of restricted rations will cease, but this hope is deceptive. We must expect for a considerable time, perhaps for many years, a further limitation of consumption and the rationing of the most important foodstuffs. Germany in the coming years of peace will have to have recourse almost exclusively to such foodstuffs as can be produced within her own borders. Tonnage will bo very scarce, and the deteriora- tion of the rate of exchange will also oblige Germany to import from abroad as little as possible. When Germany is thus restricted to her own resources there will be a scarcity of bread-grain, fodder-grain, and fat."

Dr. Michaelis goes on to say that " belts must be pulled tight " for years to come. The immediate purpose of this cold douche may very well be to check the demand for peace. The German

people are evidently falling into the habit of thinking that " peace " is almost a synonym for " food." Therefore Dr. Michaelis says in effect : " Don't demand an end of the war merely because you are hungry, for peace will not bring you more to eat."