We Heartily Believe In The Patriotism Of The Farmers, But,
after all, high prices are the best incentive to every man who is earning his living by production. Nor arc high. prices, disadvantageous for very long to the public, for they......
The Food Control Department Has Issued An Important...
the prices ef wheat, oats, and potatoes for 1917—wheat 60s. per quarter, oats 38e. 6d. per quarter, and potatoes from 115s. to 130e. per ton. These prices are fixed in the......
Our Articles Last Week On State Purchase Seem To Have
caused equal annoyance to the representatives of the Trade, the moderate Prohibitionists, and the extremer advocates of temperance. That was no doubt to be expected in a......
Our Policy Is Not A Teetotal Policy But'a Tear Policy.
During peace we are perfectly content that men shall satisfy their desire for intoxicants in moderation. In such a war as this we cannot afford tO let them do so. But, argue......
Mr. Prothero Explained His Agricultural Programme To A...
Bedford farmers last Saturday. The duty of the farmer, he said, was to grow all the food he c-auld for man and beast. The farmer was not to be bribed by the possibility of......
In The End President Wilson Failed To Obtain The Senate's
approvaL It declined to commit the United States to the serious and nn- limited obligations implied in the President's offer to co-operate in a League of Peace after the war.......
In The First Place, We Feel That While The Government
insist that we are a beleaguered city, it is madness to go on turning, food, stuffs into intoxicants. That side of the matter is, however, fully dealt with in the - fable which......
The Allied Governments Met In Conference In Rome On Saturday
and Sunday last. Mr. Lloyd George and Lord Milner, with AL Briand and M. Albert Thomas and the Russian Ambassador, were the leading delegates to Italy. IL Briand has explained-......
There Has Been A Sudden But Transient Cabinet Crisis In
Madrid, sn account of the refusal of the Romanones Mired/7 to follow President Wilson's lead in making pacific overtures to the belli- gerents. The German colony and their......
Any One Who Comes To Close Quarters With The Subject
will soon find, las we have done, that the Trade is far too powerful for such a plan to succeed. They have far too much influence over the Press and over both polit;cal parties......
The Debate In The United States Senate Last Week On
Senator Hitchcock's resolution endorsing the President's Note was memorable for a strong speech from Mr. Lodge. After administering a stinging-rebuke to Count Bernstorff for his......