As wego to press the terms of the new War Loan are being explained at a great meeting at the Guildhall. The speeches of Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Bonar Law are the fanfare which
opens the new lists. We sincerely trust and believe that people of every class and from one end of the land to the other will sub- scribe to their utmost ability to the Loan with the firm resolve to show the world that our determination to win is greater than ever. It is an unexampled opportunity. Although we have not the terms of the Loan beforo us, we are glad to know in advance that particular care is being taken to make the Loan accessible to all and understandable by all. No one with securities or with reasonable credit at his bank need have the money in his hand for subscribing to the Loan. He can borrow from his bank and repay his banker when the war is over. This arrangement alone should have far-reaching results.