13 JULY 1839, Page 12



On the 5th inst., at Walton, Ludy MOltbAUNT, of a daughter.

Ott the 5th inst., in Beigrave Street, the Lady or TtiomAs Gt.AOSrosr, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 3d inst., at Egerton Ikuse, Jersey, the Lady of Major J. K. CLUDGEY. or the Madras Army, of a &outlier. Ou the 211 inst., at Pan stead T.. d;.•, the Lady of Sir O. Tenons, Wilton: Bart., of a sun. On the 1011, inst., in f reseent, the Lady Fenxets Conpos. or a son. Ott the 7th lust , at Suffolk Lawn, Cheltenham, the !Ion. 11011f, Or a daughter. OR the 9th lost., in Great Cumberland Street, the Lady of Sir liEl.LINGIIAM REGINALO GRAHAM, Md., or a daughter, On the 3d, inst., at the Vicarage, London, pear Lichfield, the Lady of the Rev. STUART MAJENDIE, of a daughter.


On the 8th inst., at Putney Church, Sir JOIIN MURRAY NAserrit, Bart, of Peebles- shire, N. IL. to the lion. ELEANOR POWYS, accord daughter or the late and sister of the present Lord Lilfurd. On the 8th Inst., at St. Giles's•indlte.Fields, the Roy, ALFRED G.trer, M.A., to MAR.. GARET, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Scott, Vicar if Catterick, Yorkshire. On the 10th inst., at Hendon, the Rey. Joins; Lsveses:, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge, to FRANCES LYDIA, eldest daughter of the Rev. Theodore Williams, Vicar of Hendon. On the 27th ult.. at Morwss Home, Aberfehly, Perthshire, Wor.idAm HEATIICOTE C11- EMI., Or Sutton, NntlinqLnmsLirc. to SARAM ROSANNA SMALL, of Bedford Place, Russell Square, daughter of the Into Alexander Small, Esq. On the 9.1t inst., at St. James's Charch, Piccadilly, AMN, only Sun of John Weston, Esq., of Wootton, near Liverpool, to ELIZA CAMPION. eldest dadtgliter of NiellehtsGrut„ Esq., of Waterloo Place. And, on the same day, Roaster Serroo., M.. D., Fellow or the Royal College of Physichins, Edinburgh, and second son of Sir James Spinal, of that city, to MARIANNE, second daughter of Nicholas Grid, Esq., of Waterloo race. Ott the 12th inst.. at St. George's, Hanover Square, Tues. Avommos W. PARKER, Esq., M.P. for Oxfordshire, and son of the Hon. Colonel Parker, of Eusham llull, in

the same County, to listsafrriv, youngest daughter of Ed al Turner, Esq., of Stoke nemos.t. litochford and Pautou, in Li I I Ire.

On the 9th inst., at King's Norton, the Rev. II. G. Coorra, A.M., Incumbent of Barton.nuder-Needwood, third see of the Into Rev. E. Cooper, Rector of Hamstall and of Yosall, Stafford, to Ei.r/Ammt, third daughter of the late Rev. E. Palmer, of Moseley, lu the county of Worcester, anti Vicar of Stogursey, Somersetshire.


On the 8th inst.. at Torquay, the Lady ( toynurers MARTIN. Wife of the Rev. George Martin. Canon Resideutiary of the t 'Minstrel, and Chancellor of the Diocese of Exeter. On the 24th ult., suddenly, at Kitigstown, near Dublin, Strsensn, fifth sou of Sir Robert Bateunt, Burt.. M.P., in his 1211, year. On the 6th inst., at his house in °rental Street, Bond Street, Colonel Cositt.sslIENav DILLON. in his 65th year. On the hilt inst., iu Torrington Square, DAyises, the infant son of Sir ILutars NICOLAS, K.C.M.G.