Tile Army.
WAR-MICE, Ally 12.-311 Regiment of li g ht Dragoons—Captain Go urge Henry Lockwood to be Major, without p urellase, vice Stole, deceased; Lieutenant )1eyriek Jones to be......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 5th inst., at Walton, Ludy MOltbAUNT, of a daughter. Ott the 5th inst., in Beigrave Street, the Lady or TtiomAs Gt.AOSrosr, Esq., of a daughter. On the 3d inst.,......
Money Market.
STOrK Emma,/ AFITRNOON. Tine only eimumstaiwe of import aitee that has occurred during the week has been the sale by the Bank Broker on Monday of 60,000/. Excliepter Bills. The......
Topics Of The Day.
THE POSTAGE BILL.* LAMENTABLE is it when a legislative assembly becomes a The re arena for prize-fighters, and the interests of the nation arc pushed aside to make way for......