The present provisional arrangement which has intrusted the Great Seal
to a Commission is to be superseded by another ar- rangement, which also purports to be temporary. According to the Times, Sir Thomas Wilde, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, is to be appointed Lord Chancellor, with an understanding that the office is subsequently to be divided, and that he will retain only the political half; the occupant of -the other half not yet named. Sir John Jervis succeeds to the vacant post of Chief Jus- tice ;- Sir John Romilly to that of Attorney-General ; and Mr. Cockburn receives the "substantial reward" of his recent service in the Palmerston debate. It is further reported that Sir Launoe- lot Shadwell is to resign, making a new series of vacancies ; and that Mr. Roebuck will not be debarred from his "substantial re- ward." Butsome doubt is thrown uponthe ultimate consummation of parts in this arrangement. Doubts are entertained of the sincerity with which the fissation of the Chancellorship is promised : it is thought that Ministers are over-intent upon making provision for deserving supporters, and not so devoted to the ultimate effect of the arrangement. Criticism is freely uttered on Sir Thomas Wilde's greater practice at common law than in equity, and on the diffi- culty of " cramming " at his years. Criticism is also free on Sir John Jervis's—what, we cannot very well gather, but the tone of disparagement and vexation is used ; criticism also on the fact that no pledge is given for the eventual division of the Chancel- lorship, and so forth. The most certain parts of the arrangement seem to be, that the eminent lawyer who has married a cousin of the Queen shall have the topmost lift, and that Mr. Cookbium shall get his "quid."