13 JULY 1850, page 10

The Debate In The French Assembly On The Press Law

has taken a most unexpected turn. On Wednesday, M. Tinguy moved an amendment re- quiring the writer's signature to all newspaper articles : it was opposed but languidly, no one......

In Other Parts Of Our Present Nunaber We Have, Expressed

the conclu- sions to which we had arrived as to the Ministerial bearing on the Sunday Post-office affair. A private letter addressed to us by a Member of Par- liament, whose......

A Telegraphic Message From Dublin States That A Collision...

place near Belfast on Thursday—the "Twelfth of July "—between an Orange proces- sion and a small body of Police. The Police arrested the leader of the pro- cession, who carried......


SATIIRDAT. The House of Commons last night, on the motion of Lord JOHN Rua- SPILL, went into Committee for the purpose of adopting an address to the Queen praying her Majesty to......

A Deputation From, The Inhabitants Of Tamworth Proceeded...

Manor on Wednesday, and presented to Sir Robert Peel an address of con- dolence on the death of his father. Sir Robert, on behalf of himself and his family, feelingly......

Walter Watts Was Sentenced By Baron Alderson, Yesterday,...

transported for ten years. It was stated in court that the full amount of his defalca- tions to the Globe Insurance Company is 80,000l. This morning Mr. Watts was discovered to......

Mr. Joseph Paxton, The Well-brown Gardener To The Duke Of

Devonshire, is among the competitors offering designs for the building to ecatain thti Exposition of 1851, and he has circulated a wood-cut of his design —a parallelogram, long......

We Understand That Sir Thomas Wilde Will Be Raised To

the Peerage by the title of Baron Eltham.—Tiree,s. We understand that Sir Thomas Wilde will be raised to the Peerage by the title of Baron Eltham.—Tiree,s. The Duke of Hamilton......

-we Are Enabled To Announce That Sir Thomas Wilde Has

been selected for the important office of Lord Chancellor, and that his appointment has been approved by her Majesty. It is understood, however, that Sir Thomas Wilde will only......

The Funeral Of The Duke Of Cambridge Will Take Mace

at the church of Kew at an early hour on Tuesday morning, in the most private manner consistent with the rank of the deceased; Prince George the son of the deceased, will be the......

Pri:no:pal House Oy Commons Business Ron Nmar Wren....

15. Mercantile Marine (No. 2) Bill: Committee (at twelve o'clock.) Attornies' Certificates Bill: Second reading. Ecclesiastical Commission Bill : Committee. Supply: Committee.......