Mr. Locke King's motion, to give the right of voting in English Counties to all occupiers of tenements of 101. annual value, is lost by a majority of 59. For the motion (including Tellers) 102 Against it 161 The Speaker 1 Vacant Seats (Tamworth and Mayo) 2 Absent 390 — 656
Had the 98 Members who voted for Mr. Hume's lesser Charter motion of the 28th February been all present on Tuesday, as they ought to have been, the minority in favour of Mr. Locke King's modified proposal would have been 138. As it is, 10 Members who joined Ministers in opposing Mr. Hume's Lesser Charter went over to Mr. Locke King,—Mr. William Brown, Mr. Carter, Mr. Henry Drummond, Mr. William Evans, Mr. Thomas Ben- jamin Hobhouse, Mr. Howard (Cumberland), Mr. Hutt, Mr. Joseph Locke, Colonel Matheson, Mr. Tollemache (Grantham).
Ministers succeeded in defeating the motion by the following means:
Ministerial and Official Votes 32
Liberal Votes 33 Conservative Votes 96
-- 161 Names of the Liberals.
Abdy, Sir T. N. Grosvenor, Lord R. Matheson, James Smith, Martin T. Armstrong, Sir A. Guest, Sir J. J. Bt. Morison, Major-GO. Venison, Edw. K. Bagshaw, John Howard, Philip H. Ogle, Saville C. H. Townley, R. Greaves Blackall, Maj. S. W. Lacy, Henry Charles Ord, William Tuffnell, Henry Crowder, IL. B. Lemon, Sir C. Bt. Price, Sir Robt. Bt. 'Wall, Chas. B.
Dickson, Samuel Lewis, Sir T. F. Bt. Pusey, Philip Watkins, Col. .T. L. Dunne, Lt.-Col. F. Littleton, Hon. E. Rumbold, C. E.
Fitzwilliam. Ho. G. Mackie, John Shelburne, Earl of Freestun, Col. W. Matheson, Alex. Simeon, John
Names of the Conservatives.
Acland, Sir T. Be. Disraeli, Benjamin Hervey, Lord A. Parke, Charles W.
Arbuthnott, Lt.-Gen.Duckworth, Sir J. B. Hildyard, Rob. C. Pakington, Sir J. S. Arkwnght, George Dundas, George Hood, Sir A. Bart. Palmer, Roundell Ashley, Lord Du Pr6, Caledon G. Hope, Henry Thos. Palmer, Robert Baldock, E. IL East, Sir J. B. Bt. Hotham, Lord Patten, John Wilson Baring, Major H. Farnham, Edw. B. Hughes, W. B. Plumptre, John P. Barrington, Visct. Farrer, James Inglis, Sir R. Harry Prime, Richard Bateson, Capt. T. Floyer, John Jermyn, Earl Richards, Richard Blair. Stephen Forbes, William Knight, F. Winn Scott, Hon. F. Booth, Sir R. Gore Forester, Ho. G. C. Lascelles, Hon. E. Sibthorp, Col. Boyd, John Proven, C. H. Lockhart, William Smyth, John G. Bramston, T. W. Galway, Viscount Long, Walter Sotheron, T. H. S. Bremridge, Rich. Gooch, Edward S. Lygon, Hn. H. B. Spooner, Richard Brisco. Musgrave Granby, Marquis of Mackenzie, W. F. Stanford, John F. Broadley, Henry Greene, Thomas Mackinnon, W. A. Stanley, Hon. E. H. Buck, Lewis Wm. Guernsey, Lord WNeill, Duncan Stanley, Edward
Buller, Sir J. B. Bt. Gwyn, Howel Mahon, Viscount Stephenson, Robert Burghley, Lord Halsey, Thos. P. Martin, C. W. Stuart, Henry Cardwell, Edward Hamilton, Lord C. Mastennan, John Sutton, J. H. H.
Chatterton, Colonel Hamilton, G. A. Meux, Sir H. Bart. Thompson, Aid. W. Chichester, Lord J. Hamner, Sir J. Bt. Moody, Chas. A. Trollope, Sir J. Bt. Coles, Henry B. Heald, James Mostyn, lin. E. H. Tyrell, Sir .J. T. Bt. Corr ,Rt. Hon. H. Ileneage, G. H. W. Mundy, William Vivian, John E. Cubitt, William Henley, Joseph W. Newdegate, C. N. 'Wyse, Hon. Capt.
It will be seen from this that Ministers would have been badly off had it not been for their Conservative allies, who numbered 96: without them, they would have been in a minority of 36; with them, they were placed in a majority of 59. In this division Mr. Bouverie made his debilt as a mem- ber of the Government : his role was the arduous one of voting against the 101. franchise in counties, in the full recollection of having voted in February for the much larger measure of Mr. Ilume.
Mr. Locke's motion, for an Address to the Queen for an inquiry into Sun- day labour in the Post-office, and that pending the inquiry orders may be given "that the collection and delivery of letters, &c. on Sundays shall be continued as heretofore," is met by Mr. A. Hope's amendment limiting the motion to inquiry alone. The amendment is carried by a majority of 141.
For the Amendment (including Tellers). ... 235
Againstit 94
The Speaker 1 Vacant Seats (Tamworth and Mayo) 2
Absent 324 — 656 Mr. Locke's effort to induce the House of Commons to rescind the vote of the 30th May was seconded by Mr. Roebuck,—a proper enough arrangement, seeing that the absence of both on the occasion of the first vote assisted to bring about the evil complained of. The majority of 25, which originally declared in favour of suspending the functions of the Post-office on Sunday, was swelled to 141 on Tuesday, when a proposal to rescind the former vote was made. Of the absentees on the first occasion, 211 made their appearance on this ; the shutting-up party received the lion's share-141, while their opponents had only 70. There were deserters too ; but they were all from the ranks of the previously beaten party, and this tended to render the numerical discomfiture more complete. Ministers and their attaches—with the exception of Viscount Ebrington and Mr. Ralph Grey—voted for Mr. Hope's amendment ; carrying in their train—Mr. William Brown, Mr.
• 1,
Carter, Mr. Cavendish (Bucks , Sir Robert Ferguson, Mr. C. Forteseue, Mr. Howard (Cumberland), Mr. Howard (Morpeth), Mr. Mackie, Mr. Mackinnon, Mr. Paeke, Colonel Thompson, and Mr. Walter. These gentlemen had all voted against Lord Ashley on the 30th May. As showing the degree of reliance to be placed on the moral courage of cer-
tain Reformers, the following incident may be taken. Mr. Locke 's Suffrage-extension motion preceded the Post-office discussion. At the di- vision the following Members gave votes in favour of Mr. King's motion, but they had none to spare upon the Post-office question—they went away : Sir Thomas Colebrook° (Taunton), Viscount Duncan (Bath), Mr. Ellis (Leicester), Sir Be Lacy Evans (Westminster), Mr. Ewart (Dumfries), Mr. Ortittan (Meath County.), Mr. Harris (Leicester), Mr. Heywood (Lancashire), Mr. Alderman Humphery, (Southwark), Mr. Jackson (Newcastle-under- knie), Mr. Lushington (Westminster), Mr. Mangles (Guildford), Viscount Neigund (Greenock), Mr. Mowatt (Penrvn), Lord Nugent (Aylesbury), Sir 1 Page Wood, Mr. Locke King.
Pechell (Bnght,on), Mr. John Benjamin Smith (Dunfermline), Mr. 1