A comparative paucity of arrivals during the present week, indicates as distinctly perhaps as anything the closing "season." Among the leading books are, the fifth volume of Southey's life and Correspondence a sure subject ; and Evelyn'a "History of Religion," the name of whour author will attract attention. Max Schlesinger'a "War in Hungary," translated by John Pdward Taylor, and edited and recommensled by Francis Pnlazky, menu to have more both of largeness and life than the general accounts of Hungarian affairs hitherto published. Kenne- dy's "Thoughts on Being" is a metaphysical or ontological subject, with whose treatment a good deal of Scriptural matter is intermingled; both being features rather unfavourable to popular handling. The little book of Dr. Calvert Holland, "Cases Illustrative of the Cure of Consumption and Indigestion," i closely connected with his lately published work on the Nature and Cure of Consumption, &e., with which it requires to be con- sidered. Dr. Toulmin's essay on Gout proposes a new mode of treatment, based on a diet in which vegetables shall predominate, and an action on the akin by means of a hot-air bath. Mr. Wade's edition of "Junius," in Bohn's Standard Library, is likely to contain some curious matter, on a curious sub- ject, the identity of the nominis umbra."
' Lfr -and Correspondence of _Robert Southey. Edited by his Son, the verend Charles Cuthbert Southey, M.A., Curate of Flumbland, Cumberland. In six volumes. 'Volume 'V.
The History of Religion: a Rational Account of the True Religion. By John Evelyn, Author of " Bylva," &c. Now first published, b per- mission of W. J. Evelyn, Esq., M.P., from the Original Ir. Library of Written. Edited, with Notea, b the Reverend R. Evanson, RA., Rector of Lansoy, Moainouthshirc. In two volumes. The War in Hungary, 1848.1849. By Max Schlesinger. Translated by John Edward Taylor. Edited, with Notes and an Introduction,.4 Francis Pulszky, Ez-Secretary of State tq Ferdinand the Fifth, Xing of Hungary. In two volumes. Thoughts on Bei n g ; suggested by Meditation upon the Infinite, the Immaterial, and the Eternal. By Edward Shirley K ennedy. Cases Illustrative of the ONTO of Consumption and Indigestion. By G. Calvert Holland, M.D. &c. Gout, its Clauses, Cure, and Prerention, by an original and roost suc- cessful treatment, founded on the organic changes in the human solids, and on the ftmetions of the skin, without the use of colchicum. By. Abraham Totilmin, M.D., &c. Juntus : including Letters by the same 'Writer under other Signatures; to which are added his Confidential Correspondence -with Mr. Willies, and his Private Letters to Mr_ H. S. Woodfall. A new and enlarged edition, with new Evidence as to the Authorship, and Extract from an Analysis by- Sir Harris licolas. By John Wade, Author of "A Chronology of British History," &c. In two volumes. Volume IL (Bohn's Standard Library.)
Recollections of Sydney, the Capital of New South Wales. By B. C. Peck. Illustrated by a Plan of the City. [A brief diary of a voyage from England to New South Wales, and a de- scription of the capital; around which the writer perambulates, earning his reader along the streets, and pausing on the principal buildings. There is also some information of a statistical and general kind, avowedly compiled from obvious sources.] aassical _Examination Papers, for the use of Schools. Selected and edited, with Notes, by the Reverend Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A., Rector of Lyndon. [Upwards of a hundred papers for translation from English into Latin and Greek, or from Greek and Latin into English, with grammatical notes, and questions intended to lead the student to comment on and illustrate the text for himself. If we rightly understand the preface, each paper may be had separately, in sets of six or multiples of six.] The Working Classes of Great Britain : their Present Condition, and the Means of their Improvement and Elevation. Prize Essay. By the Reverend Samuel G. Green, A.B. [A series of essays on the subjects indicated by the title, which obtained a prize of fifty pounds. The general ideas of the author are those of the Nonconformists, but his tone is catholic, and he freely comments on what he thinks faulty in the sectarian world.] Lays of the Revolutions, and other Poems. By the Reverend John Jeffrey. [The greater part of these poems on the revolutionary men, events, and opi- nions of 1848-'49, have already appeared in a fugitive shape, and are now printed with some additions in a small volume. The matter and style be- long less to the lyre than the platform : the pieces may be described as strong "Liberal" ideas put into a poetical form and versified.] Fun, Poetry, and Pathos, or the Cornucopia : a Miscellany. By William Young Browne. With an Illustration by John Leech. [There is fluency and a literal perception of external objects in this volume, but a great want of thought and cultivation. We know not whether the writer may "come to anything."] The Christian Gentleman's Daily Walk. By Sir Archibald Edmon- stone, Bart. Third edition, rearranged and enlarged. [This third edition of an elegantly-written book, in which perhaps essay predominates more than description, has been materially altered from the two preceding editions. Some parts have been rearranged, and a great portion rewritten with reference to those questions that have been mooted in the Church since the book first speared, ten years ago.]
Lives of the moat _Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects : trans- lated from the Italian of Giorgio Vasari. With Notes and Illustra- tions, chiefly selected from various Commentators. By Mrs. Jonathan Forster. Volume I. (13ohn's Standard Library.)
Critical and Historical Tracts. By Joseph Hunter. No. 1. Agincourt. No. 3. Milton.
[The second of these tracts was published before the first, and noticed in the ' Spectator for 1849 (page 974). The present subjects will doubtless be treated with Mr. Hunter's wonted skill and archreological research; but they appear to be more limited than the family histories of the Founders of New '&gland.] Pleasant Pages, a Journal of Home Education, on the Infant-School System. Part L LA little book in supposed dialogue between parents and children, a in daily lessons of ten minutes each. The subjects are—Moral Lessons,Ob-
ject Lessons, Natural History, History, Geography, Drawing. The manner is somewhat tract-like; the price cheap, sixpence a monthly part.]
History of the Conquest of Mexico. By William H. Prescott. Con- densed by the Reverend J. Hobart Caunter, B.D. (Churton's Library for the Million.) IurirrnAnto Woitxs.
Illustrations to Southeys Roderick. Designed and Drawn on Stone by Mrs. Lynedoch Gardiner. Part IL
fin 1848 we noticed the first number of this work : it will be completed in half a dozen monthly parts, the proceeds to go towards the funds for erecting a church in one of the remoter settlements of the Cape of Good Hope. The artist, formerly Miss Newdigate, now Mrs. Lynedoch Gardiner, draws with taste and feeling ; and if she fails in the more vigorous actions, she still possesses greater power than is common among amateurs, especially lady amateurs. In direct aim to set forth the feeling of the scene, undisturbed by collaterals or obtrusive "accessories," she might be taken as a useful ex- ample by some of our established painters.] Manners and Cvatoms of ye Englyshe. Drawn from ye qvick by Rychard Doyle. To which be added, Some Extracts from Mr. Bps hys Diary. Contribvted by Percival Leigh. Volvme ye Second.
[These drawings "from 5,e qvick," by Richard Doyle, are already familiar to the Punch nation : their humour, their insight into character and the freaks of the " Anarch Custom," and their inventive fancy, have been duly criticized by myriads. They are here collected into a handsome volume, uniform with the former series, and explained by Mr. Percival Leigh's edi- tion of Pepys. It is an invaluable book for the drawingroom-table--a refuge equally for old and young, quick wit and dullard.] . Characters, Costumes, and Modes of Lffe in the Valley of the Nile. Il-
lustrated from Designs taken on the spot by E. B. Pnsse. With De- scriptive Letterpress, by James Augustus St. John, Author of "Egypt and MahommedAli," and "Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece." [A reissue of Prisse's beautiful lithograph pictures, with Mr. J. A. St. John's text ; to both of which we have already done justice. The present issue bears a much reduced price, which places it within the reach of a larger class. The reduction is effected by curtailing those parts of the work in which ornament was the chief though not the sole object; retaining the es- sential parts. Even in this reduced shape, it is a very beautiful, substantial, and truly instructive work.] Three Courses and a Dessert; comprising Three Seta of Tales, West Country, Irish, and Legal ; and a Melange. With fifty Illustrations by George Cruikshauk. Fourth edition. (Bohn's Illustrated Library.) PAMPHLETS.
Bvtism. A Sermon by Bishop Heber, with Addenda, containing a Letter by Poet S. T. Coleridge on the same subject. Edited, with Notes, by the Reverend Scott F. Surtees. The Hebrew Cosniogony and Modern Interpretations. Two Speeches in the House of Commons on the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. By W. D. Christie, Esq.
Free Trade. A Reply to "Sophisins of Free Trade and Popular Poli- tical Economy 'Examined. By a Barrister." By Robert Pearson. British Colonial Policy. Municipalities Confederated under a Viceroy. With Appendix on Military Colonization as a Government Measure of Emigration, &c. By an Absentee Proprietor of Land in New Zealand. Address at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Geographical Se- eing, 27th May 1850. By Captain W. H. Smyth, RN., &c., Presi- dent A Letter to Viscount Palmerston concerning the Question of Schleswig- Holstein.
Statements and Suggestions regarding Hongkong. Addressed to the Honourable Francis Scott, M.P.