The rites of burial were performed over the remains of Sir Robert Peel on Tuesday-, at the village church of Drayton Bassett, not without some degree of funereal pomp, and with much attendant solemnity of circum- taw*. The hour of interment was fixed for one o'clock, but heavy rain post- poned the procession till two. Some fifty of the principal tenantry, headed by the steward, marched two and two in front. Five mourning coaches conveyed the Bishop of Gibraltar Dr. Tomlinson, Sir Benjamin Brodie, and Mr. Hodgson, with the eight pall-bearers. Seven mourning coaches followed the hearse, with the present Sir Robert Peel, the other sons, relatives, and friends, of the late Sir Robert ; among them, Lord Harley, Sir Hume Campbell, and General Yates. The Corporation of Tamworth followed in five carriages; and the late Sir Robert Peers pri- vate carriage closed the train. "Conspicuous in the cortege" was the hearse, with its waving plumes and panels emblazoned with the heraldic achievement of the deceased on both sides ; the motto, " Industrii," at- tracting the notice and prompting the remarks of the concourse of specta- tors. The spectators were indeed various and multitudinous; and all were so filled with a respectful interest in the solemnity, that the angular inclemency of the weather had no visible effect on them; the collected thousands stood the drenching rain without a thought of retreat or shel- ter. The building which the great statesman chose for his last resting- place is thus described- " The parish church of Drayton Bassett is one of those quiet old country structures built in remote and pious times, when the population of the rural districts being small, the number of Sabbath-worshipers collected in the house of God was also small. Looking across the park, its square tower and low-pitched roof may be seen modestly nestled among the trees, as if em- blematic of Christian humility. A nearer examination of the church does not detract from the impression which the more distant view creates. A por- tion of it is very old, while other parts show signs of modern renovation; but within and without, the whole building is a simple, small, and primi- tive-looking place of worship. It is surrounded by one of those old-fashioned churchyards m which gravestones appear to have been flung down or stuck on end promiscuously., without any reference to the persona beneath them. The interior is a plain apartment with a slightly-arched ceiling, the mate- rials of which, and the side-walls, are of common plaster, whitewashed at some former period, but now rather in need of a repetition of that operation. At the West end there is a small gallery., capable of containing twenty or thirty people ; and in the body of the church there is the usual arrange- ment of pews, only that they are made of ordinary wood, in the plainest manner, and that there appears to be no distinction between those set apart for the lord of the manor and those occupied by Iris tenants. A glance at the modesty of everything which meets the eye satisfies one of the simple tastes of the congregation which here collects on the appointed day to en- gage in acts of devotion. There is a large window at the East end of the building, but it does not contain a single piece of stained glass. A few plain marble slabs, bearing upon them short inscriptions, are let into the side-walls; the most conspicuous of these being one which bears the follow- ing simple inscription—
In a vault beneath this church are deposited the remains of Sir Robert Peel, Bart., of Drayton Manor, and of Lady Peel his wife, daughter of William Yates, Esq., of Bury, Lancashire. Sir Robert was born 25th of April 1750, and died 3d May 1830. Lady Peel was born 5th March 1766, and died 28th December 1803.
" ' Tbeir children have raised this monument to the memory of their beloved parents, u a token of gratitude.' "Besides the tablets on its walls,. there are also four escutcheons displayed there, conspicuous among which Is the coat-of-arms of the Peel family. The altar, the pulpit, and the pews usually occupied by Sir Robert's house- hold, were hung with black cloth. The family-vault is entered by an aper- ture within the porch. No other alteration appeared to have been made in the_place, which now contains all that remains to us of the great statesman of Progress. Such is the humble resting-place for his ashes which Sir Robert Peel deliberately preferred to Westminster Abbey with its rich Gothic embellishments and its splendid sepulchral associations."
The foot procession entered the church shortly before three o'clock. The pall-bearers were—Sir James Graham, Lord Aberdeen, Lord Har- dinge, Sir Francis Lawley, Mr. Gonlburn, Mr. Beckett Denison, Sir George Clerk, and Mr. Bonham. A limited number of persons were ad- mitted to the church ; and especially noted in the accounts is the presence of Mr. Sidney Herbert in the gallery: as his name was not included in the funeral programme, his attendance was the more marked a tribute to the memory of his political instructor and friend. The service was im- pressively read by the Bishop of Gibraltar, amidst many audible marks of sympathetic grief. At the conclusion of the prayers, the coffin was lowered into the vault of the Peel family; and the family approached to take their last look. The grief of the eldest son, the present Sir Robert., who was in a foreign land when his father died, was distressingly mani- fest. Captain Peel said, with great emotion but very audibly, "Oh, may God rest thee, my father !" The servke was then solPrunly finished, and the mourners returned to the manor-house.
The day of the funeral was solemnized by the majority of the Top*,
tin in most of the great Midland towns of England. At Tamworth, the- "entire day's business was completely suspended" ; at Birmingham, shops were generally closed and the muffled bells of the churches tolled ; at Manchester, almost every shop in the principal streets was partially closed ; at Liverpool, the same tribute was very generally paid, and the- flags were hoisted half-mast high ; at Derby, the Mayor officially recom- mended marks of respect, which were generally offered; and the same show was made at Wolverhampton, Bury, and Bristol.
The " Speech-day " at Harrow School, on Wednesday, had a special interest from the melancholy event which was in the mind of all present. The assemblage was unusually large and distinguished: it included se- veral Prelate; many Peers and Members of Parliament, with the French, American, and Netherlands Ambassador, and the American historian Prescott Long before the hour appointed for the speeches, a vast num- ber of persons visited the old school-room to see the autograph of the late- Sir Robert Peel, carved in the panel one remove from the seat of the- Head Master; and it was remarked that within the two last letters of his name was the name " Perceval," cut by that unfortunate statesman. On the same panel were the names of his three eldest sons—" R. Peel, 1835 " ; "F. Peel, 1836"; and "W. Peel, 1837." Many also paid a visit to the monitor's library, to see the recorded speech-list of 5th July 1804, in which his name was mentioned underneath that of Lord Byron,. and that of a scholar named " Leeke," now unknown. The Latin essay for the Peel medal was on the theme " Quamdiu colonice sint retinenda3" ; and the successful boy was D'Arcy. In giving him the medal, Dr. Vaughan observed, with simple pathos—
"I give you this medal, founded by Sir Robert Peel for the encourage- ment of Latin literature ; and the receipt of this, the perpetual prize of that eminent man, must be considered to have additional value from the distress, ing circumstance which the country now deplores."
After the speeches, the Head Master gave an entertainment to about 160 of his guests. M. Drouyn de Lhuys acknowledged the toast of ext. Foreign Ministers— "Surrounded as I was just now with a rising generation in the midst of youthful faces, beaming with health and promising intelled, I feel a sort of gloom hanging over me. Another image seems to stand before my eyes, and to cast a shadow on this smiling scene. Methinks I see the grave and thoughtful countenance of that great departed one, who in his boyish days was an inmate of these walls. Here he dwelt, full of hope and vigour yet untried. Here did a careful tuition develop the workings of his powerful mind, and prompt the growth of that genius who'was to raise his country to an unexampled pitch of greatness, to be the pillar pf the state, and the lxe- nefactor of his fellow citizens. I hail with reverence the cradle of the exalted man to whose untimely grave both foreign nations and his bereaved country- men bring their tribute of praise. Long may his spirit haunt this abode of his childhood, and inspire his youthful successors with the love of labour and untiring devotion to the commonwealth. I cannot wish to Harrow a greater boon than to send forth again such another scholar as Sir Robert Peel."
Some weeks since Thomas Harris, a hatter, of Frampton Cotterell in Glou- cestershire, died after a few days' illness, and was buried. Suspicions arose that he had been unfairly dealt wills; a fortnight after his death, his ri widow,. an infirm woman of sixty-two, mared.a man named 'Curtis ; this increased the suspicion. The body was recently_diSinterred, an inquest held, and a, post-mortem examination wade: Mr. H' erapath detected arsenic in the vis- cera, and a witness proved that the wife of deceased had bought arsenic. The verdict was "Wilful murder" against Hannah Curtis; and she has been committed to Gloucester Gaol. She had saved some money during her first husband's life.
Mary Howath, a widow, has been committed for trial by the Magistrates of Rochdale on a charge of fraud, made by the local Poor-law Guardians. This woman had received pariah-relief for some years, on her declaration that she was in great poverty ; the Guardians have discovered that she has, 18/. 48. in the savings-bank, and that she had 101. there when she first ap- plied for relief. She had received 16/. 14s. from the Rochdale Union ; she refused to compromise the matter by paying back this nun from the funds in the bank, and was sent to prison.
The shop of Mr. Emanuel, a silversmith and jeweller of Southampton, was entered during Wednesday night by thieves, who cleared out the con- tents of the window, valued at nearly 1,0001. The robbery. was not dis- covered till Mr. Emanuel came down in the morning. Immediate notice was sent to London by telegraph ; but no persons that the Police suspected ar- rived by the first train.
An Irishman named Fahy having attempted to force his way into the house of Mr. Swetenham, near Congletoii, on a Stuiday afternoon while the family was at church, was repulsed by the maid-servant, Ann tranter. who had charge of the place. The intruder pretended to be deaf and dumb, and begged for alms ; the servant gave him some bread ; then -he at- tempted to push past her into the house ; on the girl resisting his entrance, he assailed her with a stick ; she took it from him ; then he beat her with his fists; the girl grappled with him, and being tall and stout, managed to throw him on the ground, and kept him there for some time. When the man succeeded in overpowering her and rose, she ran to a bell and pulled it to give an alarm. Again she baffled Fahy's at- tempts to enter the house pushed him into the stable-yard, and locked hint out. The bell had attracted a gamekeeper's notice, and he hurried to the house ; where he found the courageous girl in a fainting state. The keeper seized Fahy on the road a short distance from the place; and had hint committed on a charge of assault with intent to rob. The Congleton Magis- trates highly commended Ann Tranter for her conduct.
Mrs. Martin, a lady of fortune has been killed on the York and Scar- borough Railway. She was residing at Holgate, near York, and went to walk on the banks of the Ouse soon after, she was seen on the railway, near the viaduct crossing the stream;' a train approached at a rapid rate ; Mrs. Martin did not observe it ; when the whistle of the locomotive was sounded, she attempted to escape ; but it was too late—all the carriages passed over her body, cutting her to pieces.
An engine-driver on the Trent Valley Railway thought something was amiss with his train, and leant over the side of the engine to look back at the carriages ; at that moment the train passed under a bridge ; the man's body struck the brick-work, he was hurled on to the rails, and the train passed over his body : he lingered in great agony for four hours.
Mr. J. Lloyd, a Baptist preacher of St. Clues in Carmarthenshire, bor- rowed a double-barrelled gun to destroy the rats that infested the house. Mr. Lloyd began to clean the lock, his wife looking on ; one barrel which had been left charged by the owner of the gun exploded, and the whole charge passed through Mrs. Lloyd's heart. The husband had no knowledge that the gun was leaded: he became unconscious after the dreadful disaster, and his life was despaired of.