13 JULY 1850, Page 9

-we are enabled to announce that Sir Thomas Wilde has

been selected for the important office of Lord Chancellor, and that his appointment has been approved by her Majesty. It is understood, however, that Sir Thomas Wilde will only discharge the full duties of his office until the ar- rangements necessary for -separating the functions of the Chief Judge of the Chancery Court from those of the Speaker of the House of Lords and Chief Judge in Appeal are completed. Sir Thomas Wilde will then retain the political office—probably under the title of Lord Keeper, and the Presidency of the Chancery Courts will become a distinct appointment. It is understood that Sit John Jervis, the present Attorney-General, will succeed Sir Thomas Wilde as Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and that Sir John Roniilly will be appointed Attorney-General. It is confi- dently expected that Mt. Cockburn will succeed Sir John Romilly as So- licitor-General.—Tinies, Thursday.

is rumoured that Vice-Chancellor Shadwell resigns his office, and that there is a probability, before the week is out., that Sir John Remaly, the new Attorney-General, will succeed to the Vice-Chancellor- ship, and that Mr. Cockburn will be made Attorney-General, and Mr. Roebuck Solicitor-General. Having no communication with any official quarter, we are of oourse unable to vouch for the accuracy of these re- potts.—Iforning Chronicle, Friday.

an exordium on the difficulty and responsibility of the office of Secretary and Controller-General of the National Debt, and on the loss sustained by the public service in the death of Mr. Higham, the Times announces that Sir Alexander Spearman, "a tried officer of known ability, has been induced to accept the appointment." "it is now more than ten years since that gentleman was forced from severe illness to relinquish the arduous office of Assistant-Secretary to the Treasury We un- derstand that the greater part of the retired allowance which Sir A. Spear- man has enjoyed since he left the Treasury will be saved to the public by this arrangement."

The Commissioners of Woods and Forests, acknowledging an official intimation that the Queen has consented that the Commissioners of the Show of Iudttstry shall be allowed to take possession of the site in Hyde Park, have submitted to the Lords of the Treasury that possession should be given subject to certain conditions. Five of these conditions are-

" 1. That the only entrance into the Park which shall be used for the earrisge of the materials, &c. for the proposed building, shall be that called The Priuce of Wales's Gate.' 2. That the gateways inside and outside the Park, and the roadway in the Park, to the extent of 25 yards on either side of the gates, shall be paved with granite at the expense of the Commissioners for the Exhibition, and to the satisfaction of this board. 3. That the ride rolled 'the Queen's Ride' shall not be interfered with in any way, either by the construction of the works or during the progress of the exhibition. 4. That none of the existing drains in the Park shall be interfered with so as to impede their action. 5. That no trees shall be cut or removed without the previous consent of this board."

" The Commissioners of the Show are also to be bound to remove the materials by a certain time, and reinstate the ground ; the Woods and Forests are to have power to reenter the ground, and reinstate it for them- selves, saving themselves the cost by sale of the materials. It is "sug- gested," that a close boarding, not less than nine feet high, be erected round the site while the building is in progress.

The Portsmouth correspondent of the Times states that a Turkish squadron is daily expected there, and that Captain Slade is to have the escort of the squadron to Spithead.

The Spanish Government have ordered from Messrs. Maudsley and Sons, four pairs of engines of 500 horse-power each, at the cost of 200,0001., for war-steamers ; from Messrs. Penn and Son, two pairs of engines of 350 horse-power each ; and from Messrs. Miller, Ravenhill, and Co., two pairs more, of 350 horse-power each. Messrs. Wigram and Messrs. Green are engaged to build two war-steamers for some of the larger engines. We last week mentioned the tribute paid in the French Assembly to the memory of Sir Robert Peel : this week we find in the papers the subjoined letter, addressed by the Baron Charles Dupin, as President of the French Commission for the Exposition of 1851, to Prince Albert, as President of the English General Commission. "A son Altesse Royale le Prince Albert, President de la Commission Royale Britannique pour rExporition de Toutes lea Nations, " Le President de In Commission National Franceise.

"Prince—Jo suis charge de transmettre It la Commission que preside votre Altesse Royale r expression d'un sentiment douloureux qui nous anime.

"Au premier rang parmi lea membres do votre Commission, lea nations etrangeres aux quelles votre Exposition fait appal etaient flattees de compter le legislateur illustre qui long-temps administra son pays avec bon vouloir et justice pour les autres etats. "Nos cceurs Francais sent encore emus par lea dernieres paroles qu'il sit prononce dans le Parlement Britannique d'estime et d'amitie pour noise patrie. ,

"En apprenant la perte inattendue at lamentable de ce grand homme d'etat, la Commission Nationale de France a decide d'une voix unanime qua son President vous exprimerait les regrets sentis et profonds qu'elle partage avec lea ernes genereuses non seulement des Trois Royaumes Britanniques, mais de tons lea autres etats oe l'on tient en estime le genie, la moderation, r amour des arts, et le respect de la pais. "Si quelque chose pout nous consoler c'est la pensee quo r esprit equitable et liberal de Sir Robert Peel, loin d'être eteint, survit et grandit dans Is Commission dent il & . aft un digne ornement.

" r honneur de saluer votre Altease Royale avec le plus profond respect, "Baron Gammas Dupes.

Several proposals have been made to erect a national monument to Sir Robert Peel. A committee has been formed in London, of respectable tradesmen, to raise a fund by subscriptions of one penny each, for the erec- tion of a "poor-man's monument." It is proposed to pay the fund into the Bank of England, in the names of Mr. Hume Mr. Gladstone, Sir James Graham, Viscount Hardinge, and Mr. John Masterman. Mr. Cobden, on receiving an application to patronize this project, declared that it would be to him "a melancholy satisfaction at being associated in so appropriate a mode of expressing the almost universal feeling of sorrow at the loss of a great benefactor "; and he made an apt suggestion— "In the moment of his severest trial, when delivering the speech which closed his official career, after speaking of the ties of party which he had severed for over, of the political friendships he had converted into bitter enmities of the floodgates of calumny he had let loose upon himself—after recounting, mournfully but without repining, the sacrifices he had made,he turned for sympathy and justice to the mass of the people, and closed his last speech as Minister with the following words— It may be that I shall leave a name sometimes remembered with expressions of good-will in the abode of those whose lot it is to labour and to earn their daily bread by the sweat of their brow, when they shall recruit their exhausted strength with abundant and untaxed food, the sweeter because it is no longer lessened by a sense of injustice.'

"Thus, in the work you have undertaken, you are, perhaps, unconsciously realizing the aspirations of the departed statesman. In piling up the pence of the working classes into a pyramid to his memory, let me suggest that the above passage be inscribed upon its base. It will prove that ho did not over- estimate the justice or gratitude of his countrymen ; and it will also show to future statesmen that there is security, with the people, for the fame of a minister who braves the vengeance of particular interests whilst conferring benefits upon the nation."

Since this scheme was made public, it has been announced that a separate fund is to be raised by the unrestricted subscriptions of the more wealthy, at the banking-houses of Messrs. Glyn, Halifax, and Co. in Lombard Street, and Messrs. Ransom, in Pall Proposals for local memorials are also on foot. The inhabitants of Bury have resolved in public meeting to erect a monument in some central part of that town, Sir Robert Peel's birth-place and 1,2001. was subscribed on the spot. Manchester has come to a siml"ar resolution ; and nearly 2,000/. of the 6,000/. required was subscribed instantly. Leeds is moving in the same direction, by the formation of a local committee.

Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last : the first column of figures gives the aggregate number of deaths in the corresponding weeks of the ten previous years.

of 1839-49.

Zymotic Diseases 2076

Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable scat 496 ..•. ..• . of 1860.



Tubercular Diseases 1830 .... 168

Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nen-es, and Senses

1072 .... 112 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 283 862 •• •••• .


Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 659 .... 67 Diseases of the Kidneys, Sc 72 .... 9 Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, ate

81 • • • • 8

Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, Se 41 ....


Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Sc..

13 • • • • . • Malformations 14 ....


Premature Birth 176 ....


Atrophy 161 ....


Age 403 ....


Sudden 137 ....


Violence, Privation, Cold, and intemperance 366 ....


Total (including unspecified causes) 8772


'I he deaths resume their diminished average. Those of last week were the fewest of any week since 1842: the whole number of deaths by epidemic causes was 169, against a corrected average of 227. The mean atmospheric pressure was 29.786; the mean temperature 69.60, —slightly below the week in seven years ; wind, for four days South-west, afterwards generally West.

Lieutenant Gale ascended in his balloon from Shoreham on Monday even- ing. The wind carried him across the Channel, and he was obliged to;throw out all his ballast to prevent a dam* in the esa : eventually he got to land at midnight, about twelve miles from Dieppe; but the balloon could not surmount the high cliffs. Lieutenant Gale managed to land on the beach below. When he got to a cottage„ a gendarme was sent for, and the aero- naut was looked upon as a suspicious character, his account of his voyage through the air not gaining credence. At last, 'however, all was explained, and the balloon was secured for Its owner.

There has been an extraordinary balloon ascent at Paris. M. Poiteven mounted into the air on horseback! A horse was suspended below the oar, a rope-ladder extending from the saddle to the car ; M. Poiteven seated him- self on the horse, and the balloon was set at liberty; the horse was rather restive at first, but soon became quiet. The aeronaut was seen ascending and descending his rope-ladder. When the balloon mounted very high, blood gushed from the horse's mouth : the greatest altitude was three M. Poiteven descended at Brie, seven leagues from Paris, without any rais-

Ten Weeks week

hap to himself or steed. He rode back to Paris on the horse. Passing through Grist he was lionized at a ball, entering the ballroom on his horse.

The term of imprisonment of Ernest Charles Jones, the Chartist, expired on Tuesday; when he appeared before the Bow Street Magistrate, gave sure- ties to keep the peace for five years, and was liberated.

Griffiths, one of the convicts who escaped from Woolwich, has been cap- tured. A burglary having been effected near Chatham, three men were arrested on suspicion. One proved to be Griffitlue the prison-marks on his stockings betraying him.

The Archbishop of Lemburgh has prohibited his clergy from wearing long hair like the peasants, and from smoking in public, "like demagogues and sons of Baal."

The Echs de r Oise tells a story of "good fortune." Fifteen years ago, a young sailor named Laurendeau rescued a young English lady from drown- ing, at Rouen ; he was presented with money at the time, and thanked, by the girl's mother. Recently, an English gentleman found out the aailor, and told him the lady wishes to thank him in person and to settle 10,000 iranes a year upon her rescuer : Laurendeau received 500 francs to pay his expenses to London. Such is the tale.